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The Boiling Isles:

The Primus Crew along with Luz had arrived to the place she had been leading them to. It didn't look to out of the ordinary with the exception of the giant window on the second floor looking like a giant eye. It actually looked pretty normal, although they had very different standards for normalcy. "You live here by yourself?" asked Richthofen. "No, this is actually the house of my mentor and sort of parent Eda. She was the one that took me in when I first got here." Luz explained. "She's really cool but not too fond of strangers, or authorities. Just be cool and you'll be fine." "Rest assured, we'll be as cool as possible." said Dempsey. Luz knocked on the door. "Eda I'm back! I bought some visitors with me too!" After a few seconds Eda opened the door, eyeing the four men outside. She quickly let Luz in and almost closed the door on the crew outside. "What do you want? Who do you work for?" Eda asked "We mean no ill intent, we only seek shelter." said Nikolai. "Yeah sure, four strangers armed to the teeth show up to my house almost completely unannounced mean no harm, piss off." replied Eda. "Your friend Luz met us on her way back, she can reassure you that we are not here for battle." assured Takeo. "He's right" said Luz "It's okay let them in." Eda thought for a few seconds. "Fine, but I'm only doing it for you." she opened the door. "Greetings, I'm Doctor Edward Ric-" "If you do so much as give her or her friends a paper cut I will break your limbs and bury you alive, got it?" Said Eda. "Duly noted" said The Richthofen. The Primus crew didn't get the best first impression of the pale witch in a red dress, but they couldn't blame her as she did seem to care a lot for Luz. The crew introduced themselves and inspected the house, which was surprisingly nice considering the location. They didn't even find the weird witchcraft items weird at all considering what they've seen. "So what's your deal? Why are you here?" Eda asked. The crew explained all that had happened in their journey so far. From the discovery of 115, to killing the of an alternate version of the doctor, to hijacking a giant robot to get to Austria to kill the alternate universe Dempsey. "You guys have been through a lot haven't you?" Said Luz. "Indeed" said Richthofen. "Things like this would drive normal men insane but luckily, we are not normal men! Not in the slightest." "So all that stuff in this Austria place happened in one night?" Asked Eda. "That's not even the craziest thing that happened there." said Dempsey. "We also fought off an ancient eldritch god." "We even blew up the moon!" Chimed Richthofen. "You didn't blow up the moon, I still see it every night!" "Well it was not your moon obviously, it was from an entirely different univer- oh Jesus!" Shouted Richthofen. He was startled by the fact that the voice from behind him was the symbol on the front door that had come to life. "Sorry I just love doing that, I'm Hooty!" "Edward Richthofen" the doctor said awkwardly. "Wait why did you blow up the moon?" Asked Luz. "Because there was a base up there containing one of the last members of group 935, a nazi division made to experiment on element 115." said Richthofen. "There's Nazis on the moon!?" Said Hooty. "Luz told us about those guys we gotta destroy the moon now!" "As much as I'd like to blow up something that big, he didn't mean our moon." said Eda. "I mean you never know, they could be." Luz said jokingly. "Don't enable him Luz!" "That's enough!" Shouted Dempsey. "The point is, the teleporter we used to escape that castle is busted, and we need a place to lay low while we fix it, is that okay with you?" "Fine " Eda said. "Just so long as you keep those zombies out of the isles." "You don't need to worry about that." said Dempsey. "115 never touched this universe, it's impossible for them to be here." After they made themselves at home, they got to work fixing the teleporter. The following few days weren't exactly interesting, as they spent most of their hours fixing the teleporter, but it was nice not to have to be fighting the undead every waking hour of their lives. Although, time seemed to move slower when there wasn't constant action. After a few days, their hard work had payed off. "It's finished!" Richthofen said happily. They were finally able to resume their journey. However, just as they were saying their goodbyes, Richthofen pulled out a large book from his bag and began reading. "How is this possible!? The pages have changed!? This can't be!" "What do you mean they changed?" Asked Nikolai. "I don't know how, but something has happened to alter the pages." said Richthofen. "What's that?" Asked Luz. "It's called the Kronorium." said Richthofen. "It's a book that can tell the future, it's been our guide throughout this whole mess and now it's decided it wants to change its mind." "Well what does it say? Maybe it's not so bad." Said Luz. "It says we have to to find different people to form a team of some sorts, one of those people being you." explained Richthofen. "If this thing can predict the future, what does it say will happen in the next few minutes?" Asked Eda. Richthofen looked in the book and began reading. "In the next minute, someone will knock on the door twice." what followed was exactly that. "That could be anything." said Eda. Richthofen continued reading. "Then, there will be a voice that will say and I quote, 'Luz? Are you home? It's me Amity!'" What followed was exactly that. Luz quickly ran up to the door, and gave the pale girl with purple hair a big hug. "What's going on? Who are those guys?Asked Amity. "These guys are saying there's this whole giant quest they have to go in to recruit a team to save the multiverse, and I have to come with them" Before Luz could apologize for having to leave, Amity interrupted her. "I'm coming with you." "I'm sorry Amity but it's too dangerous." "We do dangerous things all the time! But we always come out on top because we do it together." said Amity. Luz thought for a minute and turned to the crew. "If she's not coming then neither will I." "Ugh fine" said Richthofen. "Just don't get distracted" "Great! I'll get the others" said Amity. "Sorry but we can't do that, I don't want to drag them into this, besides Hunter's got enough to deal with as is." "Can I at least tell my family?" "I'm sorry but no." Said Luz. "You know your mom would never let you." "If we're gonna go, we have to now." Said Richthofen" They all went to pack their things. Before they left, Era's pet King, a furry creature with a skull on his head pulled the Primus crew aside. "Promise you'll get Luz back here safe okay? "She doesn't know it yet but to me she's my sister." They all made a promise to him that they would get her back safely. They all went outside with the teleporter and said their goodbyes. "Everyone ready?" Said Dempsey. Everyone nodded yes. "Great, then let's go."

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