Y/n and Amy are sisters and are super close as they both had difficulty making friends.They both major in music at UCL ,Y/n is a second year student while Amy is a third year student. Y/n had just finished her last exam and was finally on break while Amy was finishing her finals at 5:00pm so Y/n was so bored in their dorm so she started listening to music and reading a book . By the time she got her earpods out she saw Amy come inside and she put the book down and ran to engulfed her into a big warm hug . "Wow no need to be so dramatic y/n I was only gone for two extra hours than usual " Amy says while laughing at y/n's behaviour. Y/n let her go and went to sit on the couch while Amy put her stuff down. Amy's phone started ringing "Hello Amy speaking "

Y/n's POV:
"Hello Amy speaking " is all I heard her say once she answered her phone " yes" she continued saying after a long pause "yes, no we can't we don't have anything to wear nor do we have the energy after all the exams we just finished " I wonder who she is talking to but after yet another long pause she gave me a look , one I knew all to well this look means I don't want to but do you. "Y/n do you want to go to a concert with Zane, Lilo and Candy tonight at like 6:00 ?" Now I already got the look so I have to think carefully about this " yea it sounds like fun which band is it?" "Which band is it Zane?" She asked into the phone "Zane says it's sleep taking or sleep token or something like that " Amy answered with little to no enthusiasm "ooo a new one this is going to be fun" "Zane we are both coming .... No don't worry we won't be late .... Yes we will be dressed accordingly... okay whatever bye" after the call she let out a depressing sigh . "What's the dress code ?" I asked her after she sat next to me ." Zane said it's black and we have to paint our faces according to the band's logo or something like that but seriously y/n/n why don't we just stay in , watch a movie have some popcorn or something?" "Well I mean we haven't been to a concert in a very long time and it'll be good to get out with the gang a bit the last time we did that was a year and a half ago " I pleaded with her "okay you have a point but we kinda only have two hours to get ready which includes eating little missy " oops she remembered that I don't eat well especially when it comes to excitement " yes mom I hear you " I said rolling my eyes and laughing. We quickly made our food and got to picking our outfits, we usually match when going to big concerts like these so it's funny when people get confused between us. We both decided on black rip jeans, a black tank top and a black with slightly red spots leather jacket and black combat boots. "Amy how long do we still have since I need to wash my hair and still get the makeup done?" "Don't worry we still have an hour and 30 minutes left " okay after hearing that I quickly went to wash my hair and face . As I was drying my hair Amy started shaking nervously, she has been avoiding Zane the entire semester after their breakup it was so sad having our friends see her like they did that evening at Candy's party when she walked in on Zane fucking another girl. I quickly finished putting my hair into space buns and helping Amy put hers into two braids and did both our makeup and face art. We started heading to the concert hall address we were given as we were meeting everyone there.

Amy's POV:

We arrived at the address I was sent, after having trouble finding parking thanks to us being a little late. "You ready for this sis? This is going to be rough " I said to y/n "yea im fine super excited but perfectly fine , are you okay?" "Yes I'm okay just can't wait to get home " I said laughing. We headed to the entrance and scanned our VIP front row centre tickets, as we were headed to the designated spot we found our friends, they were dressed in all black with glow sticks on and as we approached them they handed us a bracelet and necklace glow sticks. "Hey it's great to see you all again " Y/n said to the gang, "yea can you believe it we will be listening to the best band since forever right there" Candy said pointing to the stage that was at arms length. After Candy slowly calmed down the lights dimmed around us and that's how we knew it was starting.

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