Amy's POV:

I woke up with the sun coming through the curtains and shining lightly on my face, I then feel something knee my side and look next to me to find Y/n snuggling into my side with a cute smile on her face. I see my phone on the coffee table near me so I pick it up and see twenty-three missed calls from Vessel and 10 messages from him. I start freaking out because what's so important that he feels like he needs to phone me himself instead of asking his assistant to call. I go into the chat and start reading the messages

I have something to confess, I have gained strong feelings towards you and feel like I should express it towards you the only way I know I won't freeze up when saying this, You bring colour back into my dull world, it feels like my heart is trying to jump out of my chest when Im near you, I feel like I'm able to breath when I'm with you. You are the only one who can easily make me submit and I am all for it, what I'm trying to get across is I like you a lot Vessel.

11:30 pm read

Hi, thank you for thinking so generously and taking my emotions into consideration. I had to read that a couple of times before completely understanding what courage you had to have to send this message. I feel the same way towards you but I would have preferred to have told you in person but I also don't want you to feel like your efforts went to waste so this is how it is if you would like we can meet up at 4:00 pm tomorrow so we can discuss exactly the terms of our friendship relationship, but please don't mention this to anyone thanks

xoxo Vessel xoxo

11:50 pm

Good morning Amy, I hope you are well I am just messaging to confirm for 4 pm this afternoon?

5:00 am

Hi is there something the matter you are strangely quiet considering you usually are messaging me first each day for the past 6 months.






Amy do I need to come over you are worrying me is there anything the matter?

7:27 am

Maybe you are asleep still for a change taking a break

7:38 am

Well whatever maybe my leech of a sister is keeping you up late at night

8:00 am

Sorry, I did not intend on being rude about y/n I'm just still trying to wrap my head around having a sibling. My sincere apology

8:40 am

Amy, now I'm deeply concerned you usually answer by now, did I say something wrong or are you starting to feel differently about me ?

9:00 am

-------23 miss calls from ♡Vess♡-------

I was shocked, I remember falling asleep early on during one of the movies, I also know for a fact I can not express my emotions so straightforwardly like that unless Y/n took the liberty of rewriting the message I was hesitating to send.  My stupid sister was trying to help me with romance she can be so sweet when she wants to be. I sat pondering a bit and decided to call Vessel instead of messaging. It didn't even ring for longer than a second "Hello Amy " "Hi Vess" "I am happy you aren't dead " he said giggling at the end oh his masculine voice was memorizing. "haha yea, I was up late watching movies with y/n so I slept in today, I saw your messages by the way " I tried being nice and not running to kill y/n "yea, so are you okay to meet at 4?" he asked in the sweetest voice."yes its a date then " I replied with a little happy giggle, "alright ill have my driver pick you up at 3:50" "awesome can't wait" I hang up the phone and because I'm not mean I didn't move while y/n sleeps on my side so I just decide to be evil and message ii

                                 Mr II:

Hello, Mr ii how is thou?

9:36 am read

hello Amy I'm good and yourself?

9:36 am

I'm good, just wanted to say that a little birdy told me you like my sister👀😏

9:37 am read

who told you that?😅

9:37 am

oh no one, I have seen the way you look at her and the way you are constantly trying to protect her and get alone time with her😉

9:38 am read

oh and she likes you to because you get under her skin easier than anyone we have met, she even looks at videos where she sees you clearly almost every day, she is crushing hardcore.😆

9:38 am read

oh is that so well thank you for telling me this little sis.🌸

9:39 am

shit sorry I meant Amy not sis sorry, you are just like a sister to me so sorry if it makes you uncomfortable

9:40 am

I giggled at the way he responded to him calling me a little nickname it was cute.

It no problem big bro😎

9:40 am read

anyway have a great day further just wanted to let you know😜

9:41 am read

ii's POV:

After sending that silly nickname to Amy I felt horrible for not showing her the documents mom and dad gave me when I turned 18. She is my sister and I've been wanting to be in her life for a while now but I don't want to disrupt her life all of a sudden unlike Vessel I care about my sister's emotions. That is why on her next birthday I am going to give her the paperwork I was given. So she can be in the loop as well and I hope she won't end up hating me seeing as how her sister likes me hopefully as much as I like her... oh my soul why did I think that thought I mean it's not wrong but I can be clouded by my emotions right now. I honestly want to get this all out of the way but I'm worried it could ruin a lot of things in my life as well as the band's life.


In the next chapter Amy and Vessel will go on their date and who knows ii and y/n might get extra cosy.
❥any thoughts leave it in the comments and thank you for reading this story. Credit to my best friend as usual Darkarrow2007

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