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Vessel's POV:

I dropped the letter when I read the first sentence 'Mandy and Steven Lockwood successfully adopted Y/n Lockwood on April 10th 2004' My body went completely numb. It felt like someone was choking me as I gasped for air and after two minutes of struggling against the invisible choker everything went black.


As I was walking into the kitchen to get some of that delicious-smelling waffles, I saw Vessel falls down out of nowhere. This was odd so I ran to him and tried getting him onto the nearby couch and I through a few drops of water on him, by the time he started regaining consciousness the other two came to check what is wrong."Vess don't get up to quickly you blacked out so your head will hurt" I said with a lot of concern in my voice, "yea I'm okay don't worry . I just need to see Y/n now" he said in a hurry.

Y/n's POV:

Around 3 pm I heard a knock on the door so I went to open it and saw an upset Vessel on the other side. "Hi Vessel, come in. How can I help you?" I said nicely "how the fuck could you have kept this away from me?" He started screaming "kept what away from you?" I asked confused "That you are my biological sister " he continued shouting "I'm your what "I said softer almost that it was incoherent. Amy then came rushing in from the bedroom where she was napping I guess the shouting woke her "Hi Ves, firstly hope you are doing well, secondly stop fucking yelling at my sister in my home" she got very protective. "Yea I'm good and she isn't your biological sister for your information I bet she kept you in the dark too" he said storming out, once the door slammed I broke down into tears, how could I be related to him, why didn't anyone tell me and why the fuck am I being yelled at for being oblivious to the fact that my brother's parents threw me out, so many of these thoughts went through my head but all I managed to say to Amy was "I'm sorry " like this was my fault. I tried comprehending why my real family didn't want me. Amy kept on trying to speak to me but I was so in my own head I didn't realize it until she shook me. I sniffed and wiped my tears, "You are special enough that mom and dad chose you sis and you are lucky to have grown up with a loving non-secretive family and I'm lucky to call you my sister blood or not" Amy said trying to cheer me up "thanks sis you always seem to know how to calm my thoughts" she left the room for a few minutes and came back with our favourite snacks and ice cream "I got the snacks you put on the movie and we can chill for the rest of the day like we used to do in high school when one of us got overwhelmed and stressed" she is definitely my favourite person ever. Just like that we watched movies and ate snacks the rest of the day keeping my mind busy away from the issues at hand.

*9:00 pm*

Amy had just fallen asleep during the last movie I put on and halfway through it I was dosing off as well when I heard my phone start ringing, *buzz buzz buzz* "Hello Y/n speaking how can I assist you?"I answered without looking at the name of the caller "Hi Y/n it's ii speaking here I was calling to say how pretty I think you are hehe " this man is sloshed I thought to myself based on his little giggle at the end "ii you are drunk, so I won't hesitate to say this purely because you won't remember this in the morning I hope. You are super cute and I like you " I said instantly regretting this. he giggled again "Thank you for the compliment sugarlips , oh while I'm on here I should tell you that Vess has a little big crush on your sister Amy and actually dreams of her since he sleep talks so freaking loudly" I giggle a little evilly at this knowledge. "Alright thanks for this great phone call but I'm going to hang up now bye," I said hanging up on him and went to go look for my sister's phone, don't worry she knows I go through it from time to time and she does the same with me. I went hunting around the house and found it under her bed. I unlocked it as we have the same password lol. I went to her contacts and searched for Vessel's contact and went snooping there firstly she had him saved as ♡Vess♡ then she practically confessed her feelings in a lovy dovy message she had ready to send but she seemed hesitant based on the way she wrote it so I wanted to do my sister a little favour and rewrote it with the key points and sent it .



❥thank you for reading. Feel free to put your thoughts in the comments and if you want a custom chapter message me
Credits go to my best friend Darkarrow2007 for all the help she gives on this book ❥

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