Chapter four: Nightmares at its finest

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You were running around the neighborhood, getting in your workout because you didn't feel like the gym today. It's been beautiful outside the last few days and you wanted to enjoy the weather before the snow fills the streets. Which means Christmas would be around the corner, the day you love so much. You love it more than your birthday.

You were breathing heavier than normal. It must be from the cold air, you thought. Instead of trying to run any farther, you thought you ran a good amount for today. You headed towards the park close to your house to cut through.

You were running through the park, jamming out to some music, when you saw Namjoon's girlfriend walking her dog. Your mood shifted, instantly became annoyed from the sight of her. You really didn't want to stop to say hi because you're really not that fond of her and you think she doesn't care for you either. Why would she anyways, you're a girl that constantly hangs out with her boyfriend. Although, you and Namjoon have been friends for years that it shouldn't matter.

She looked like her preppy-self, she was wearing a blush pink skirt with a white top and white stockings underneath her skirt. She wore these knee-length blush pink boots, that you are pretty sure are Dolce & Gabbana. Her long black hair was curled, her lips had a blush tone to them. You looked at her, while approaching closer, knowing this is why he is dating her.

You were going to pass her without saying hi when she flagged you down. You took your earbuds out and faked a smile, saying hi to her and her dog, "What kind of dog is it?" You nicely asked out of breath, petting it.

"A Maltese," she said smiling, showing off a dimple on her right cheek. You started to think about how their kids would be so adorable, especially with the dimples. The thought alone caused your body to flood with anger.

"Oh, how cute!" you said being fake. You were about to wave a goodbye and be on your way when she spoke up.

"I'm glad I caught you. I've been meaning to talk to you," Her face became uneasy, her smile slowly fading away.

You looked at her with a puzzled face, wondering why she was wanting to have a conversation with you. The most you ever said to her was hello when Namjoon brings her around. There was no interest in wanting to become her friend.

"You and Namjoon have been friends for awhile, ya?" Her head to the ground, wondering how to phrase her words.

"Oh," catching you off guard, "Yeah, since our late teenage years." With suspicious eyes looking at her, wondering why she was bringing that up. Maybe she needed reassurance.

"You guys hang out alone...a lot?" She looked up at you with her uneasy eyes, making you scream in the inside. 

"Sometimes but not all the time... We haven't in a while actually," you were worried what she was trying to allude to. You scanned her face, trying to figure her out. You really wanted to tell her to fuck off but it's your friend's girlfriend.

"Do you like him?"

Your body jumped back a bit with her question, feeling caught off guard. Your breath was hitched inside your throat, making it unbearable to breath for a few minutes, already out of breath from running. Did someone tell her or was she thinking the worse because we're friends? You mind quickly responded, "As a friend..."

Her soft features disappeared, causing her eyebrows to crunch together, eyes shooting daggers in your soul, "Stay away from him."

"What?" You heard her but you wanted to confirm the correct sentence that flew out of her mouth. She did a couple 360 on you, wondering what you might have done or said to turn her emotions around.

"If you hang out with him alone again, I will make sure he leaves your dumb friend group," she said harshly.

"What the fuck is your problem?" your blurred out, done playing nice.

"I don't trust you..." Her face scrunched together angrily with hands on her hips.

"Well, I don't trust you!" You boom at her, making her shift a bit in her spot. You kind of surprised yourself but it flew out of your mouth like vomit.

She scoffed, "Look, I don't care if you trust me or not. I know you like him; I see it in your actions." She points at you, which makes your blood boil. You want to grab her finger and pull her down to the ground. Although, you have a bit more self-control than that.

"I don't like him! What the hell is your problem?" You yelled at her, inching closer to her face. You have never hit anyone in your life, but you and Jungkook have been practicing boxing in the gym, so you know how to throw a punch.

"You can like him all you want, I'm HIS girlfriend." She stared back at you, not backing down.

You sit up in pure panic, hearing a knock on the door, causing you to wake from your sleep; more like nightmare. You couldn't believe you were dreaming about the day Nuri spoke to you in the park. You remember feeling angry, thinking that's what you get for cutting through the park, you should have run the long way home.

You hear another knock from the door, quickly looking at your phone to see the time. Who could be here so late?  You get up and look through peep hole, wondering who it might be. By your surprise you see Yoongi standing at the front door. Why are you here?  You ask whispering to yourself.

Unlocking the door, you see Yoongi standing in front of you with an angry face. How many more people did I piss off?

"Hi?" You ask confusingly. 

"You could at least tell us you're okay..." Yoongi says firmly. It looks as if he could yell at you but decided to change his approach.

"Yoongi, it's late. Why are you here?" You rub your eyes, indicating you are tired and want him to just go home. 

"To make sure you're alive," He voices.

"I'm fine, thank you though," you say crossing your arms in front of your chest.

"You sure? Because your puffy eyes and face say otherwise." You hate how your are probably looking right now and the fact Yoongi calls you out.


"I'm coming in, unless you want your neighbors to hear everything in the hallway." He cuts you off, making you save your speech. You roll your eyes and let Yoongi in without any more hesitation.

He instantly takes off his shoes and sits down on the couch waiting for you to join him.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

"No, I'm good thanks but it's a good thing I didn't ask for wine..." He picks up the empty wine bottle from the table and shoots you a smirk.

"What do you want Yoongi?" You ask sitting on the couch away from him, grabbing a pillow, placing it on your lap.

"What happened with Namjoon?" he softly asks, moving his body towards you so he could see your features better.

You look at him, pondering if you should tell him or not but he one of your best friends. Although, you didn't want to tell him because it would complicate things even more. You move your heavy eyes from your TV back to Yoongi, "Well...where do I began?"

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