Part 16

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I didn't go to school on Monday because I didn't want to see Liam, but I can't miss anymore school so I had to go today. I got to Econ were I made eye contact with Kate, she gave me a disappointed smile and looked away. I just looked down at my shoes as I sighed.

I don't know what I was thinking inviting Liam to formal. I should've known something like this would've happened. It wouldn't have been a problem if he was alone but I was his date so it made me look bad too.

I walked to the teacher before walking farther into the classroom.

"Can you change my seat ?" I asked nicely

"Is there any specific reason ?" She asked with a frown.

"I just can't see that well, even with my glasses" that's a lie, I can see fine with my glasses but I don't want to sit near him and I will do anything to move.

"Oh of course!!" She said happily, She moved me closer to the front but off to the side a bit so even if I turn slightly I make eye contact with Liam. Great.

"Hi" the girl I sit next to now, said

"Hi, I'm Nicole" I smiled

"I know who you are" she laughed nervously, I start to feel bad because she knows who I am but I don't know this girl, "I'm Amanda" she smiled back.

As class started, the teacher had us take notes. I couldn't focus because the previous events from last weekend were playing in my head. I noticed this morning that John had a black eye from Liam's punch and people were staring at me like I was the one who punched him. I don't understand how I'm the bad guy here, I didn't even do anything.

Liam hasn't apologized to me so I know he's not sorry, that just makes me more mad. When I walked into class he looked up at me and looked away like he didn't care.

I feel like these feelings I have for Liam are just in my head, if he liked me he definitely wouldn't be treating me like this right ? Maybe I'm just imagining it.

Before I know it, class is over and it's now lunch. I packed my lunch and left it in my locker and because Kate walks over that way to meet the water polo people I decide to try to walk with her.

"Hey Kate!" I said with a smile, she looked at me and then looked away

"Hi." She said quietly

"Is something wrong?" I ask concerned

"No. Just.. Please don't walk with me" she said as she stopped walking to look at me


"Because what happened Saturday night. Please just stay away" she said as she walked away.

I'm losing my friends because something I had no control over.

Because Emma didn't come to school today I call her after I get my lunch, I start to walk to my car so I can eat alone.

"What?!" Emma answered out of breath

"Did I do something wrong Saturday night ?"

"What're you talking about??" Emma said sounded annoyed

"Was it my fault Liam punched John?" I asked in a daze

"No but can we talk about this later, I'm with someone" she said,

"Oh sorry... Who?" I asked.

"Harry" she said even more breathless than before, which is when I noticed what they were doing.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry ! Use protection !!!" I hung up quickly, as I walked through the parking lot I began to think about what happened. If Kate doesn't want to be friends then I bet none of the water polo girls want to be my friend anymore either.

I ate in my car, and when the bell rang I went to class. Another boring class passed where I couldn't focus. So after school I walked back to my car, John was standing by my door like he used to do when we dated. I smiled at the memories and waved as I walked closer to him.

"Well, hi" I said smiling

"Hi" he smiled, "you really did look beautiful Saturday night"

"Thank you so much" I blushed a bit,

"I want to tell you that I forgive Liam" he said and I looked up to meet his eyes, "I understand why he attacked me, you were his date and I'm just the ex"

"You're not JUST an ex, John" I said,

"Exactly, so he probably felt threatened. Which is why I forgive him, so you can tell him that"

"I would... But we aren't talking" I said looking at my shoes

"Well I'm sorry to hear that" he began to walk away but turned around, "you deserve a man who will treat you like a queen, I know you're strong so I don't need to tell you this but just don't let him break you down." He walked away, leaving me standing next to my car in deep thought about our conversation.
she walks into class and her "friend" doesn't even treat her like they know each other.   She changes her seat because she doesn't want to be near me.  I blow everything up.  I ruin everything and I can't change.  She makes me feel something, I feel like I'm a good person instead of the horrible person I am. 

I watch her try to talk to her "friend" but she is rejected and she looks sad and scared and I just want to hug her.  I have never felt that for a girl. 

I have wanted to fuck.  I have wanted to party.  I have wanted to get cross faded.  But I have never felt the urge to hug and kiss someone, until I met Nicole.  I want to put my arm around her and let her wear my shirts.  I want to treat her like she's the only person in the world.

I fuck it up like I always do because I get jealous or territorial over someone who isn't even mine.  I have to fix the mistake I've made, but I don't know where to start.  Maybe a text ? Maybe I should just go to her house?  Yeah that seems nice, I'll visit her in person.

I recently have been doing A LOT of traveling and haven't had time to update but I will update when I can !! :)

Did everyone enjoy going back to school ?  I start back in October 😭

Hope yall enjoy !  Remember to comment, vote, and share !!

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