40 | ignore me?

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"Twilight, we are really not moving much in operation strix! With this war starting we don't have many options right now." Handler points out.

"What other ways do we have?!" Twilight shouted back.

"We'll have to drop operation strix entirely and use force on Donovan Desmond."

"Papa you're home!" Anya shouts, running over to Loid. "Me and mama has been waiting for so long for you to get back home!"

"We did, didn't we." Yor smiles, patting Anya's head. "Hope they didn't keep you over time did they?"

"I just went out for a drink." Loid says, hanging up his coat on the coat hanger.

"Ahh.. That's good then. I made dinner, come sit." Yor grabbed his hand.

"No, I already ate.." Loid says, shrugging Yor's hand off.

"Papa, mama made her stew. It's not bad like the other foods she makes!" Anya reassures Loid.

"It's fine, really." Loid murmurs.

I can't bare to look at their faces.. Knowing that i'll have to leave them one day.. That one day is approaching fast. Loid quickly walks into his room and slams the door.

Papa is going to leave us? And it's going to be very soon! I didn't work hard enough, I should have gotten more stellar stars and got along with sy on boy!

"I'm pretty sure Loid is just tired," Yor sighs.


Loid reads a newspaper and sighs.

We don't have enough time, we have to try not to get caught.

"Don't over work yourself," Yor says. "You're all tidied up," she smiles at her husband as he barely gives a reaction towards her. "Is everything okay?" She asks, noticing his unemotional aura.

"It's fine," Loid shrugs her off, "i'll be off now." He picks up his suitcase and leaves out of the front door.

"Have a good day!" Yor shouts after him.

He's barely speaking to me.. Did I do something wrong?

"Mama, papa is leaving.." Anya murmurs quietly, holding onto Yor's clothes.

"Of course Loid is, he has work today silly." Yor smiles.

Anya looks up at her mother with tears in her eyes and bites her lip. "Are you sure?" She sniffles.

"Oh, i'm sure dear." Yor kneels down, wrapping her arms around Anya. Comforting her daughter with her presence, "I will never leave you alone."

I should have said it then, for fuck sake! I can't tell her at thi-

"Loid Forger!" A voice calls from behind.

Someone who knows "Loid Forger"? I don't recall knowing a man with that deep of a voice. He looks behind him to see Richard. Ah, him. Out of all times..

"Do I know you?" Loid glares at him.

"Ahh, well. I know your wife, you and I have met once or twice before but not spoke. My name is Richard. Richard Lennard."

"Right. Is that all you have to say?" Loid asks.

"When will you leave?" Richard says.


"You heard me correctly, when will you leave?" Richard demands.

"Why are you asking me this? When did you have the idea I will leave?" Loid asks, fully turned around.

"What does Yor see in you, you're just an average guy!" Richard shouts.

So he likes Yor romantically?.. Ah, I see. He has this some kind of stalker obsession with her.

"Why can't she see i'm way better than you?! I can do so much for her, while you can't even kiss her as the proper husband you have to be!"

"What makes you think i'm a bad husband towards Yor?" Loid asks.

"That doesn't matter! I will always be better than you, in every way!" Richard shouts, eyes twitching and clenching his fists in anger.

Loid smirks, "ahh, you're better than me in every way? Let's see if Yor agrees to that. What do you say Yor?"

"A-ah!" Yor looks down at the ground.

"Y-Yor.." Richards eyes widen as he looks behind him. "I-"

"So you did this to me because you liked me?" Yor demands, "you wanted to split me and Loid up for your sake?!"

"W-what do you see this guy Yor?.. He's no one to you.." Richard laugh hysterically.

"Loid is one of the most caring men I have met, he's always been there for me, doesn't criticise my actions and what I can do or can't do! He's the only man I have really loved romantically my entire life!" Yor blurts out, clenching her fists.

Loid's eyes widen, turning a bit flustered as he looked down.

"I-I will never give up on you Yor, even if I was to expose you because I will be the only one who will love you for who you really are." Richard walks away quickly.

"Well he's quite interesting.." Loid sighs, i'm already exhausted even though it's only the morning."

"I'm so sorry, what I said must have caught you off guard." Yor laughs, moving her hair away from her face.

"It's okay, i'm happy you think of me that way." Loid smiles.

He's speaking to me!

"A-ah! Yes!" Yor blushes. "Oh, yes! I came out because you forgot these papers, they looked quite important."

Shit! She saw the papers about her didn't she?!

"W-what were they about?.." Loid murmurs.

"Oh just some illness files," Yor hands them over to Loid.

"A-ah.. Thanks for going through all that trouble bringing them to me." Loid smiles.

"It's okay! I wanted to talk to you anyway!" Yor smiles.

"I'll be going to work now, at this point i'll be late. I'll see you when I get home." Loid says.

"I'll see you!" Yor exclaims, happily.

Loid walks away, adjusting his hat.

What did he mean "I will be the only one who will love you for who you really are" Is there a secret side Yor is hiding of herself and only he knows? Maybe i'm getting the wrong idea..

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