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Taehyung was busy doing his work and then yoongi suddenly entered inside his cabin and hugged him

“tae I'm so happy"

“what happen hyung"

“jimin said yes to me"

Taehyung also hugged back yoongi “congratulations hyung"

“thank you and tonight we're throwing a party so you have to come ok"

Taehyung gave yoongi his boxy smile “ok hyung I'll come"

On other hand jungkook was sleeping peacefully while dreaming of his prince and then jimin burst inside his room and jumped on top of jungkook

“kookie wake up"

Jungkook pushed him and the poor jimin landed on floor “why are you shouting shortie"

Jimin stood up and smacked jungkook's head “I'm you're hyung"

Jungkook rolled his eyes “yeah whatever"

Jimin again hugged him “kookie I'm so happy"

“and why you're happy"

“today yoonie purpose me for marriage" jimin said shyly while looking down

Listening to jimin jungkook become excited “now tell me how he purposed you"

Jimin tell jungkook each and everything and how romantically yoongi purposed him

“and tonight we're throwing a party so you're coming"

“I'll but first let me sleep" saying that jungkook again went to his dreamland

Jimin shook his head and left from there

Now everyone was at yoongi's place waiting for the certain bunny to come

“hyung for whom we're waiting for" taehyung asked from yoongi

“we're waiting for jungkook, he's jimin's cousin"


After sometime jungkook came and jimin noticed him. He went towards jungkook “kookie why are you late"

“I'm not late you're early" saying that jungkook went to yoongi and hugged him “yoongi hyung I miss you so much"

Yoongi also hugged him and ruffled jungkook's hairs “I miss you too kookie"

Listening kookie from yoongi's mouth taehyung remembered something kookie is not scared of anyone"

Taehyung turned around and saw jungkook, jungkook also saw him and start shouting gaining everyone's attention “you oldie! what are y-"

Before jungkook could complete his sentence taehyung covered his mouth with his hand “don't shout brat everyone is watching"

Jungkook removed taehyung's hand from his mouth “don't touch me you oldie" but internally he liked taehyung's touch

Before taehyung could say anything jimin interrupted “you two know each other"

“yes" taehyung said while looking at jungkook

Jungkook without saying anything left from there while giving taehyung cute glares

Taehyung smirked and also went behind jungkook

Jungkook was at the terrace, he was deep in his thoughts and then someone wrapped hands around his waist

He flinched and become scared but become relaxed when he turned around and saw it was taehyung “what are you doing" jungkook said in a low voice while looking down

Taehyung pulled jungkook more closer “what do you think I'm doing"

“l-leave m-me"

“why princess"

Listening princess from taehyung jungkook became red because of shyness “I'm not p-princess"

Looking at jungkook's condition taehyung decided to tease him more. He went near jungkook's ear and said in his deep voice “yes you're right you're not princess, you're a brat"

Listening that jungkook became angry and kicked taehyung's balls “I'm not brat!" saying that he left from there leaving poor taehyung behind in pain

Taehyung tried to stood up but hissed in pain “this brat, I felt guilty about shouting at him but he deserved it"

Jungkook went downstairs and stood beside yoonmin

“kookie where is tae hyung" jimin asked from jungkook when he saw taehyung didn't come with him

“he's at terrace"

“ok I'll go and call him"

“baby you wait here I'll go" saying that yoongi went to terrace and saw taehyung on the floor “what are you doing on the floor tae"

Yoongi helped taehyung to stand “tae what happen, are you ok"

“that brat kicked my balls and you're asking whether I'm ok"

“he kicked your balls" saying that yoongi start laughing but stopped when taehyung glared at him

“btw why he kicked you"

“it's nothing let's go" saying that taehyung left from there

He went downstairs and gave jungkook death glares, jungkook noticed it but decided to ignore taehyung because looking at taehyung's expression he become scared “why he's looking at me like this, he's so scary"

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