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Jungkook woke up first and pecked taehyung's lips “hyungie"

Taehyung opened his eyes and pulled jungkook for a kiss. After breaking the kiss he booped jungkook's nose “good morning bunny"

Jungkook giggled and kissed taehyung's cheek “good morning old man"

Taehyung hovered over jungkook and hold his both hands “i'm old man"

Jungkook nodded and taehyung start tickling him

“h-hyungie st-stop"

Taehyung didn't stop and the whole room was filled with jungkook's giggles. After few minutes taehyung stopped and kissed jungkook's cheek “can't wait till our marriage so I can see your beautiful face every morning"

Jungkook smiled and hugged taehyung “hyungie"


“I'm hungry"

Taehyung chuckled and carried jungkook and made him stand outside the washroom “first go and take shower after that we'll have breakfast"

Jungkook shook his head “no I don't want to take shower"

Taehyung lean towards his ear “do you want me to do it for you"

Jungkook's face became red and he quickly pushed taehyung away and run inside the washroom, taehyung chuckled and went to take shower in other washroom

After taking shower jungkook came out and saw half naked taehyung while water was dripping from his body

Taehyung saw jungkook in the mirror and turned around “what are you looking at"

“hyungie you have a nice body"

Taehyung went towards jungkook and wrapped his hands around jungkook's waist “and this body is all yours"

A naughty idea came in jungkook's mind and he pinched taehyung's nipple. The poor man hissed in pain “kookie what are you doing"

Jungkook giggled “you said your body is mine so I can do whatever I want"

“you're such a brat"

Jungkook became angry “i'm not a brat" saying that he pushed taehyung away and start pouting

Taehyung chuckled and tried to hug jungkook “baby"

Jungkook again pushed him away “you always call me brat"

Taehyung hold jungkook's waist and pecked his lips “sorry bunny I won't call you that again"

Jungkook nodded and hugged taehyung feeling his naked body

“are you not hungry anymore"

Jungkook shook his head and start roaming his hand on taehyung's bare chest

“baby stop you're making me hard"

Jungkook put his other hand on taehyung's member, his world stopped when jungkook touched his member “but you're already hard"

Taehyung hold jungkook's hand “then help me princess"

Jungkook smirked and pushed taehyung on the bed “i'm not going to help you" saying that he run from there

Taehyung whined “this brat~"

Jungkook went downstairs with a big smile on his face but his smile dropped when he saw nayeon was sitting in the living room, he ignored her and went towards namjin “good morning mama papa"

“good morning kookie" both namjin said together

“kookie where is tae" namjoon asked

“he's getting ready"

“ok come and sit here" namjoon patted the space beside him

Jungkook smiled and sit with them. After sometime taehyung also came after taking care of his problem, he sit beside jungkook and whispered in his ear “I'll punish you for this"

Jungkook's face became red “I was just joking"

“oh really"

Jungkook nodded his head

“but I'm not joking"

Jungkook was about to say something but nayeon cut him
“what you two are whispering about"

“it's none of your business"

“tae I think your boyfriend don't know how to talk with elders" nayeon said while glaring at jungkook

“I don't think of you as my elder"

“you little brat i-"

Before nayeon could complete her sentence jin cut her “you can't talk with kookie like this"

Nayeon got angry and left from there, taehyung was about to go after her but jin stopped him

“tae just sit here"

“but mom"

“just sit here i'm going to make breakfast" saying that jin looked at jungkook “kookie baby come and help me"

Jungkook nodded and went with jin. They were making breakfast and then jin said “kookie you did right with her"

Jungkook looked at jin in confusion

“I also don't like her the way she always latched on tae"

“she said she likes hyungie" jungkook said with a pout

Jin pinched jungkook's cheek “but tae likes you"

Jungkook giggled “I know"

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