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It was nayeon's video in which she was showing the pictures which she sent to jungkook and saying “i and taehyung were dating from many years but suddenly taehyung's parents arranged his marriage with jungkook and after marriage he was still dating me and using my body but now I'm pregnant so he wants to breakup with me” saying that she start crying showing her fake crocodile tears

Tears start rolling down from jungkook's eyes after reading the comments in which people were talking bad about taehyung, taehyung noticed it and quickly hugged the crying boy “princess it's ok don't cry”

Instead jungkook start crying more, taehyung took the phone from jungkook's hand and gave it back to namjoon, namjin left from there giving them some privacy, taehyung locked the door and carried jungkook in his arms and sat on the bed with jungkook on his lap “bunny please stop crying”

Jungkook looked at taehyung with teary eyes “h-hubby they-they are ta-talking bad about y-you”

Taehyung wiped jungkook's tears and kissed his forehead “princess it's their work we don't need to focus on these people”

“but hubby-”

“don't worry love i'll handle everything” taehyung said and laid jungkook on the bed “now sleep”

“i'm not sleepy”

Taehyung laid beside jungkook and pulled him on his chest “it's not good for you and the baby to take stress so now sleep it's too early”

Jungkook nodded and after sometime fell asleep, taehyung kissed his forehead and message his manager and told him to delete the video from all platforms

Taehyung was getting ready for office and saw jungkook through the mirror who was sitting on the bed while thinking something “kookie”

Jungkook came out of his thoughts and looked at taehyung “yes hubby”

“help me”

Jungkook nodded and start helping taehyung but still he was in his thoughts, taehyung wrapped his hands around jungkook's waist and pulled him more closer “what my baby is thinking”

Jungkook looked at taehyung and shook his head “nothing”

Taehyung booped jungkook's nose “kookie i told you to not take any stress I'll handle everything”

Jungkook hugged taehyung and hide his face on taehyung's chest “i want to beat that bitch” he mumbled but enough for taehyung to hear

Taehyung chuckled and kissed jungkook's head “you can beat her but now I'm feeling so hungry”

Jungkook smiled “come I have already make the breakfast”

After breakfast taehyung left for his office

He was in his cabin and then his assistant came “sir mr han has cancelled today's meeting”


“he said that he doesn't want to work with a person like you”

Taehyung without saying anything left from there

On other hand nayeon was sitting in a restaurant while reading people's comments about taehyung “what do you think about yourself kim taehyung if i love you that doesn't mean I'll let you to insult me” she said and start laughing like a crazy person

Jungkook was sleeping but suddenly his phone start ringing, it was his mother so he quickly picked the call “hello mama how are you”

“i'm fine kookie but what that girl is saying is it true”

“no mama she's lying”

“but she has pictures of her and tae”

Jungkook told everything to mrs jeon

“then you should complain about her to police”

“mama hubby said he'll handle everything”

“ok then take care of yourself and your baby”

“you too take care of yourself”

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