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Jungkook quickly went to parking lot and sat inside the car, he was about to start the car but taehyung came and stopped him

“baby at least listen to me once"

“i said I don't want to listen anything from you just stay away from me"

“but baby i-" before taehyung complete his sentence jungkook closed the car windows and start the car leaving taehyung a crying mess

Jungkook put his hand on his tummy “I never thought that he'll do this with us" he said while crying

On other hand taehyung went to their room and start breaking everything he really want to kill nayeon because of her this happened but there was also his mistake that he believe her

Hearing the breaking sound namjin woke up and quickly went to taekook's room

“tae what are you doing" namjoon said holding taehyung from behind

Taehyung looked at namjoon and hugged him “d-dad"

Namjoon also hugged him back and said while caressing his back “shh what happened why are you crying and where's kookie"

“d-dad he-he l-left me"

Jin quickly hold taehyung's arm and turned him towards himself “how can you let him go at this time what if something happens with kookie and the baby"

Taehyung looked at jin in confusion “baby?"

“yes baby jungkook is pregnant"

Listening to jin taehyung start crying more, namjoon made him sit on the bed and hold his hands “tell us what happened"

Taehyung told them everything, jin became so angry “jungkook told you but no you were blind by her friendship"

Taehyung looked down “s-sorry mom"

“what sorry now go and find jungkook"

He nodded his head and quickly left to find jungkook

After two hours taehyung finally saw jungkook's car near the bridge, he was also standing there while crying

Taehyung quickly get out from the car and went towards jungkook “kookie"

Jungkook looked at taehyung and wiped his tears “I told you to stay away from me" saying that he was about to go but taehyung hold his hand

“please kookie let's go home mom dad are so worried for you"

Jungkook without saying anything went with taehyung. Jungkook was looking outside the car window, taehyung put his hand on jungkook's hand who quickly pulled back his hand

“why you didn't tell me that we're going to become parents" taehyung said looking at jungkook

“I thought to surprise you but guess what you surprised me first" jungkook said still looking outside

“trust me kookie nothing like that happened which you're thinking"

Jungkook didn't say anything which hurt taehyung more. After sometime they reached their home and jungkook quickly went to their room

Jin went to jungkook and sat beside him on the bed, jungkook hugged jin “mama he doesn't love me"

Jin kissed jungkook's head “kookie don't say like this he loves you so much baby"

Jungkook shook his head “no he doesn't"

Jin cupped jungkook's cheeks “ok now stop crying and sleep it's not good for your baby"

Jungkook nodded his head and laid on the bed, after jin left taehyung came and also laid beside jungkook, he slowly put his hand around jungkook's waist who quickly removed his hand from his waist

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