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“kookie wake up"

Mrs jeon shake the sleeping bunny “kookie"


“wake up"

“why let me sleep" saying that jungkook pulled blanket on his face and turned on other side

Mrs jeon pulled blanket from jungkook “brat wake up!"

Jungkook quickly sat up because he's scared of his mother's anger “good morning mama"

Mrs jeon chuckled at his son and handed him a file “take this file to your papa's office"

“ok mama" saying that jungkook went to do his morning routine with a big pout on his face

After getting ready jungkook went to his father's office. He entered inside mr jeon's cabin but he wasn't there “where's papa" saying that he went to receptionist “hi noona"

“hi sir"

“noona how many times I told you to call me kookie not sir"

She gave jungkook a big smile “ok kookie"

Jungkook also gave her his bunny smile “noona where's papa"

“mr jeon is in meeting room"

Jungkook handed her file “so can you please give this file to papa"

She called an employee and gave him the file “give this file to mr jeon"

“ok" saying that he left from there and Jungkook and that woman again start talking

After talking almost an hour jungkook decided to go “ok bye noona"

“by kookie"

Jungkook turned around to go but bumped onto a hard chest and fell on the floor “can't you-" jungkook stopped in middle when he saw that person was taehyung

Taehyung gave him his boxy smile and helped him to stand “kookie are you ok"

“no my butt is hurting" jungkook said with a pout while rubbing his butt

Taehyung chuckled at the pouty bunny “sorry bunny"

“it's ok it was my mistake"

Taehyung booped jungkook's nose “btw what are you doing here"

Before jungkook could say anything mr jeon came “kookie what are you talking with mr kim"

“nothing papa"

“so he's your son mr jeon"

“yes" mr jeon said with a big smile

Taehyung also gave mr jeon a smile “ok mr jeon I'm going"

“mr kim please have lunch with us"

“no mr jeon i-"

“hyungie let's eat together"

Taehyung ruffled jungkook's hairs “ok"

“do you guys know each other" mr jeon asked in confusion

“yes" jungkook said with his big bunny smile

After lunch taehyung was about to go but mr jeon stopped him “mr kim if you don't mind will you please drop kookie at home"

Taehyung gave him his boxy smile “ok mr jeon" saying that he looked at jungkook “let's go bunny"

Jungkook nodded and went with taehyung. During ride taekook were talking but suddenly taehyung's phone start ringing, he checked the caller id and a smile appeared on his face


“hello tae"

“Nayeon how are you"

“I'm fine and coming to Korea next week"



“then I'll wait for you"

“hmm and don't forget to pick me up from airport"

“ok I'll"

“then I'll talk with you later bye"

“bye" saying that taehyung cut the call

Looking at taehyung's smile and excitement jungkook felt jealous

Jungkook was sitting on the bed with jimin with a big pout on his face

“what happen kookie why are you pouting"

“hyung is Nayeon taehyungie hyungie's girlfriend"

Jimin booped jungkook's nose “kookie she's his and yoongi's childhood friend"

Jungkook hugged jimin “hyung I really like him"

Jimin kissed jungkook's forehead “don't worry kookie she's nothing more than a friend"

Jungkook nodded and hugged jimin more tightly

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