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They came back from hospital and now there baby was two weeks old

“kookie you still haven't decided baby's name”

Jungkook shook his head

“i think he's gonna live without name”

“shortie what are you saying”

“i'm your hyung”

“hyung my ass”

Jimin lightly smacked jungkook's head “this is what your son will learn from a brat like you”

“jimin-ah don't call my cute bunny a brat” taehyung said coming inside the room and sat beside jungkook

“aren't you the one who used to call him brat”

Taehyung ignored what jimin said “i have decided my son's name” saying that he looked at the baby with a smile “kim haneul” and then looked at jungkook “princess do you like this name”

Jungkook nodded his head with a smile and kissed baby's forehead “haneul mama's little bean”

At morning jungkook was feeding his son while taehyung's eyes were stick on his nipples “hubby don't you have any work to do”

Taehyung shook his head and pecked jungkook's cheek “baby i also want this” he said pointing at his nipples

Jungkook hit his head hardly “you pervert human being go and take shower”

Taehyung with a big ass pout went to take shower, after shower he came out from washroom and saw haneul was peacefully sleeping and his wifey wasn't there, he kissed his son's forehead and went downstairs

Jungkook was making breakfast for his hubby but flinched after hearing taehyung's angry voice

“kookie what are you doing” he said and went near jungkook

“h-hubby i was making breakfast for you” jungkook said with a pout while looking down

Taehyung carefully wrapped his hands around jungkook's waist and kissed his forehead “princess it's been only two weeks to haneul's birth and here you're working, don't you remember what doctor said that you have to be careful and take rest until your wounds heal”

“but i'm fine now” jungkook said looking innocently at taehyung

Taehyung booped jungkook's nose “why my wifey is so cute”

Jungkook giggled and pecked taehyung's lips “i love you hubby”

“i love you more baby” saying that taehyung was about to kiss jungkook but stopped after hearing jin's voice

“kim taehyung why you always do these unholy things in my kitchen”

“mom kissing your wife is not an unholy thing”

Jin gave taehyung a smile “do you want me to hit your face with my pink slipper”

“no mom” he said and quickly run from there

Jin laughed and looked at jungkook “kookie baby go i'll give you breakfast in your room”

Jungkook nodded and also left from there. He came to their room and saw his hubby playing with their son who was giggling and blabbering in his baby voice, he went and sat beside taehyung and said with a pout “i think he loves you more than me”

Taehyung looked at jungkook and pecked his lips “but i love my wifey more than anyone”

Jungkook smiled and attached their lips into a passionate kiss, taehyung wrapped his hands around jungkook's waist and deepened the kiss, he bite jungkook's bottom lip and a moan left from jungkook's mouth and taehyung entered his tongue inside his mouth. Both were so into the kiss and their baby was looking at his parents innocently not knowing what they were doing

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