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Now they were inside the theater watching a horror movie, suddenly a horror scene came and junkook start laughing, everyone start looking at them, he again start laughing loudly “hubby look the ghost is so funny”

Again everyone start looking at them, taehyung gave them an apologic look and looked at jungkook “baby”

“what” jungkook said with a glare

“nothing” taehyung said and pecked jungkook's cheek

After sometime again a horror scene came and junkook start laughing more loudly and smacked the bald uncle's head who was sitting on the other side

The man looked at taehyung angrily

“sorry” taehyung apologized from the man and looked at jungkook “princess you can't smack someone like this”

Jungkook gave his bunny smile to the man “sorry uncle” he said and stood up and looked at taehyung “hubby let's go i don't like this movie it's too boring” saying that he grabbed taehyung's hand and dragged him outside

After leaving the theater now they were on the beach walking on the sand

“hubby let's go inside the water” saying that jungkook run towards water

“baby don't run” taehyung shouted running behind jungkook

After playing for sometime jungkook got tired and put his head on taehyung's chest “hubby I'm tired”

Taehyung kissed jungkook's head and carried him in bridal style and sat on the sand, jungkook wrapped his hands around taehyung's neck and pecked his lips “i love you hubby”

Taehyung smiled and booped jungkook's nose “i love you more my bunny”

Jungkook giggled and kissed taehyung's chest “hubby you know when I saw that pictures i was so scared i thought you don't love me and will leave me for her”

Taehyung ruffled his hairs and kissed his head “how can i leave my life my world my universe, you're my everything kookie I can't imagine to leave you I'll die without you”

Jungkook hit taehyung's chest “don't say like this”

Taehyung smiled and caressed jungkook's cheek “thank you princess”

“for what”

“for coming in my life and giving me the most precious gift in the world” he said and rubbed jungkook's tummy

Jungkook smiled and hide his face on taehyung's chest “hubby I'm so happy”

Taehyung chuckled at his bunny's cuteness and kissed his forehead “i'm also so happy”

Jungkook looked at taehyung “hubby”

“yes princess”

“i'm feeling cold let's go home”

Taehyung quickly stood up and went towards their car “i told you not to play in the water now what if you'll catch cold”

Jungkook pouted and snuggled on taehyung's chest “you're scolding me”

Taehyung chuckled “why you're so cute” he said and start kissing jungkook's whole face making him giggle

The next day both taekook were sleeping while cuddling but their sleep got disturb by a door knock “tae”

taehyung checked the time and it was 5:00am “what mom is doing here at this time” he said with half closed eyes

“i'll open the door” saying that jungkook went to open the door

Both namjin were standing their worridly “what happened mama papa you both are looking so tensed”

“look at this” namjoon said and gave his phone to jungkook, taehyung also went towards them and looked in the phone

“what the fuck!” taehyung shouted angrily

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