Keep Me Broken

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One of the most(out of many) powerful
prayers I have prayed. I wrote this on the day of my brothers birthday. He passed away in 2019 in a car accident and I feel God is telling me it is time to finally share this.
This is for you Al...

"Keep me broken Lord so that I know in my weakness you are strong.
Keep me broken, so that I will never depart from you.
Keep me broken, so I can know your power of healing in the mist of my pieces.
Keep me broken, for In the mist of depression, will show me your near.
Keep me broken, In the mist of anxiety, And chaos I know you will have authority.
Keep me broken, In the mist of darkness, you will be my light.
In the mist of the tears, I know you'll hold me.
In the mist of not understanding and screaming why. You'll be that gentle voice comforting me.
In the mist of my mistakes, you'll still say I'm worth it.
When I feel not called, and ashamed, you'll tell me I am your chosen one.
When people cast me out, make allegations; you'll hold my hand knowing that same hurt.
Keep me broken for In the mist of sorrow, heartache; is when I will feel your peace.
In the mist of loneliness, I will experience your love, reminding me that your not against me.
When everyone fails me, and theres no where I could go, you are there with open arms.
Hearing my cries in the late hours of the night.
When I can't sleep, you are my rest.
When I stress of tomorrow, you remind me today is enough.
When I compare myself and my identity, you tell me I am your masterpiece.
When Suicide tries to come in, you tell me to hold on, that my life has meaning.
There is much more to life than this.
Keep me broken, so I can testify your name.
Keep me broken, so I will know you in a deeper level.
Keep me broken, so I will continue to stay humble and not filled of pride and stubbornness.
Keep me broken, in the mist of me having unforgiveness you will remind me how many times you have forgiven me.
Keep me broken, so you will teach me grace, love and mercy.
Keep me broken, so in my brokenness others will see your goodness.
Keep me broken, for when disease tries to enter my bloodline, it will be you who does the miracle.
Keep me broken, for you are the only way.
You are the only answer to this life.
You are my compass.
You are my father.
You are my everything.
Without you I am nothing.
Your love works best in my brokenness.
Let your will be done, I surrender my life to you Father God.
You are the sweet breath in these lungs.

Broken "

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