Show Her Grace

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The lord spoke to me saying this... 
" Show Her Grace." 

Show her grace for you don't know the battles she has faced.Show her grace, for there is a reason why it seems her heart is cold because things in her past have hurt her beyond measure and her mind feels in order to protect herself, she removes herself from having empathy.Show her grace, for it may seem that all she does is talk about others, but it is because she longs to have someone to talk to and have meaning in life.Show her grace, it may seem all she does is talk negatively but at one time there was a moment she was filled with such hope and love and something occurred that robbed that joy from her heart.Show her Grace, it may seem she is quiet and does not want to talk about certain things, but that is because she was never taught to properly express herself. Or could it be? Maybe someone hasn't made themselves available where she could feel safe to express to.Show her grace, even if you do not agree with things she has done, remember she is a human being just as you are and is going to make mistakes..Showing her grace does not mean you are justifying the things she has done whether to you or to others you love.By Showing her grace, you show the love of Jesus to her and acknowledge the matter that her trauma, anger and hurt will not allow you to betray your identity in Christ.Show her grace, because at one point you were also or almost like her. Did Jesus say " you don't deserve grace?"No.Did/Does Jesus say you needed to earn his grace?No.He gives it freely without nothing in return.Today I pray you show her grace.The same Grace Jesus has shown you.Maybe she needs a friend.Maybe you need to set a healthy boundary to protect your heart, but you can still show her grace by praying for her.Show her Grace, through your actions.Show her Grace through your prayers.Show her Grace by placing her and the situations she has caused at the feet of Jesus.Show her Grace by acknowledging hurt people hurt others, don't allow the way she hurt you, develop you to hurt the calling God has called you to do.There is no excuse for anyone to act in such ways, so do not mistake this as an excuse.However show her grace.Show her love.Show her mercy.Listen to her silent cries within her current actions. It may seem She's angry but deep down inside she is hurting.Listen to her broken heart feeling she cannot speak to anyone.For once, sit down and be slow to speak but quick to listen.God is using you, to remind her that there are still good people in this world who care.Show her grace, by showing her Jesus.Show her grace, by bringing her to Jesus.Show her grace, by praying for her even if it be from afar.She is loved, she is so cherished and there is hope.You and I were once she, but it took someone to show us Grace, to open our eyes.Help us Lord. In jesus name. Amen.

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