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A word that this world quickly tries to overtake, void, and bury. Many think they know the meaning of it but it cannot be ever understood nor contain. Peace is an inward expression that Jesus Christ can only  give. It is a form of love that he left when he put himself on the cross for us. Once it grasps you, no weapon could ever bring fear to you. Peace comes from faith. It is a form of trust when we decide to stop looking around us and looking towards the God who is bigger than our mountains. Peace is a gift that this world cannot ever provide. Peace is a choice. A decision to trust in Jesus in all areas of our lives. To have peace for tomorrow because he is already there. To have Peace that he will make a way someway somehow because he is GREATER. However, it all begins when you whisper, from the depths of your heart, " Jesus....Jesus I put my trust in you..." in the mist of chaos, pain and destruction. Peace will overtake your situation when you cry out to God. Those nights when you fall on your knees. Peace is a representation that God is always with us and will never leave us. Just as when Daniel was in the lions den. Just as when Moses went to Pharaoh (who could've taken his life multiple times) to do the task God had given him. Just as Job when everything he had was striped away, he still trusted God which brought peace. Just as so many people/testimony's in the Bible. It is a reminder to us.
Don't grow weary in this journey. Don't lose your faith nor your hope. Your God sees you. Your Lifeguard walks on water. Have peace. Be patient. Allow him to work through you. Surrender yourself. This battle is not yours to carry. It is his and guess what, the BATTLE IS ALREADY WON! In jesus name! Today we pray for Peace to compel you. Wait on your God. He will make a way. Tell your mountains how big he is. Our God is for us and never against us. He will never fail you. Peace be with you.

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
‭‭John‬ ‭14:27‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

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