Message from Jesus

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When I was about to turn 14 years old, I was preparing to receive $100 as a gift from my grandmother. During this time, my grandmother would give all the grandkids $100 for their birthday, and I was so excited. I remember I even wrote a list of things I would buy with that money. Part of my list was buying my mother flowers.

I remember the day of my birthday, running to the mailbox down the street with Mommy, so excited to finally get my $100 from Grandma. My mother told me to wait till we got home to open my birthday card. Oh, I was so excited. We got home, and my mother made me first read the card out loud with my grandmother on the phone to hear. I remember it was titled "To My Dearest Granddaughter," and the rest was blank to me. I was so focused on that money!

Then, as I opened the card, a smaller card fell out, the size of the palm of my hand. There was no money. Immediate disappointment came over me. Thank God Grandma was not there to see my face! My mother saw my face and gave me that "stop it" look. My grandmother noticed my silence over the phone and chuckled. She then said, "Mamita" (which means "hun" in Spanish), "I know you are probably disappointed, but that little card is far more worth than $100! You will thank me someday. Grandma loves you." She then ended the call.

My mother picked up the card from the floor (since it fell out), then implied for me to read it. The title read "Message from Jesus." As I began reading this card, my disappointment about the money faded away. I had just given my life to Jesus at 13 years old, and the words I was reading touched my heart so deeply. Little did we know, this little card that was the size of the palm of my hand would encourage us all as a family in the days to come.

Throughout my mother's battle with terminal cancer, my sister's battle with terminal cancer, losing my other grandmother, losing my brother, and everything I have endured in my life since then, this little card is a reminder and hope that God is still on the throne. My prayer is that it touches you as it has touched our family.

Grandma was right. This little card was and still is far more worth than $100, and how beautiful now you have a digital copy of it too.


                                              "MESSAGE FROM JESUS" 

Why do you get confused and hectic by the problems of life? Leave all your things in my care and everything will go better. When you let yourself go to me all will be solved peacefully as per my plans. Do not despair; do not make me a desperate prayer as if you want to order me to fulfill your wishes. Close the eyes of your soul and tell me peacefully JESUS I PUT MY TRUST IN YOU.

Avoid the worries and anguish and the thoughts of what might happen later. Do not spoil my plans wanting to impose your ideas on me. Let me be God and let me act with liberty.

Rest in me and leave your future in my hands. Tell me frequently JESUS I PUT MY TRUST IN YOU. What hurt me most are your reasoning and your own ideas and wanting to solve things your way. When you tell me: JESUS I PUT MY TRUST IN YOU, do not be like the patient who asks the doctor to cure him, but he suggests the way to do it. Let me take you in my divine arms; do not be afraid, I LOVE YOU.

If you believe that things get worse or get complicated in spite of your prayer, keep on trusting. Close the eyes of your soul and trust. Continue telling me at all times: JESUS I PUT MY TRUST IN YOU. I need free hands to act. Do not tie me up with your useless worries. That is what Satan wants: to anguish you, to take the Peace away from you. Trust only ME. let yourself go to ME. So do not worry. Give ME all you worries and sleep peacefully. Always tell me: JESUS I PUT MY TRUST IN YOU and you will see big miracles. I promise you by my love. 

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