Chapter 1: Next Stop, Galar!

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"You sure we can't talk you out of this son?" said Andrew's dad as he hugged Andrew at the departure gates.

"Dad, we've been through this before," said Andrew, "I don't want to just be known as Sua's younger brother. I wanna pursue my passion of understanding Pokemon, and I'm not interested in Pokemon contests."

From his shoulder, his shiny Eevee, nicknamed V pipped up in his voice, "Eevee!"

"Okay, take care of Andrew for me, please V," he said, patting the head of the little Pokemon that he saved in the wild all those years ago. "You have everything, Andrew?"

"Yes, Dad," replied Andrew exasperatedly, "my Pokeballs are on my belt, and Green is in there, I have my bike sent to baggage, my camping gear and clothes are in my bag next to me here, money, pokedex and phone in my waist pack."

"May I have your attention please," the sound of an announcement drifted from the ceiling, "this is the first call for Hoenn Air flight 727 departing for Galar, passengers please make your way to gate number 17 for boarding."

"That's my cue, Dad," said Andrew, swinging his backpack onto his back as Eevee leaped into his arms. "I'll call you and Mom when I land in Galar, okay?"

"Okay son, safe flight!" his dad said, trying and failing to hide his proud tears as Andrew made his way to the gate. Waving back at his son, he quickly snapped a picture of him and his partner's retreating backs as they approached their gate.

"Here we go, V! Time for us to go to a new destination!" Andrew said excitedly, as he took his seat on the right window side seat on the plane.


"Okay buddy, you can sit on my lap after we take off okay?"


Watch out Galar, here comes Andrew!


(7 hours later...)

"Hello? Hey Mom! I just got off the plane at Galar. Yes, I'm fine! Yes, V's with me, he didn't get air sickness on the flight. Look, Mom, I'll call you and Dad later, I'm going to baggage pick up now, okay bye!"

At that exact moment, a notification pinged, prompting Andrew to look at his Pokewatch,

'You've got a message from "sister dearest 🙄"'

Fishing out his phone, Andrew responded to his sister.

'That's nice of her,' he thought to himself, chuckling

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'That's nice of her,' he thought to himself, chuckling.

As Andrew was busy messaging his sister, V noticed a fox-like girl with blonde shoulder-length hair and a Vulpix picking up their baggage by accident. The girl seemed like she was in a rush.

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