Chapter 4 - A Levitating Experience

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Somewhere, in Motostoke...

"Okay, Snor, use body slam!"


The sound of Snor the Snorlax using body slam echoed through the woods of the Motostoke riverbank as Andrew got Snor to try the moves he knew.

"Green, use fury cutter!"


As Green executed fury cutter, V came dasing over to Andrew.

"What is it V?" Asked Andrew, kneeling down to better talk with the shiny Eevee.

V then dropped Andrew's phone on the ground next to him. Only then did Andrew realize that there was someone calling him.

'Incoming call from "sister dearest 🙄"'

"Thanks buddy," said Andrew, patting V on the head as he answered the call.

"Hello~!" Sua's cheery voice came through the speaker of Andrew's phone, so loud that Andrew winced.

"Hey sis." replied Andrew in mock disinterest, to which Sua was used to.


"Good to hear that you're alive, and hi V!"

"How're things at home?"

"Everything's fine, Mom and Dad still miss you obviously, they want to know if you're doing okay over there in Galar."

"I'm doing fine! I've got everything I need, Professor Magnolia and her granddaughter have been updated with my progress and Professor Birch as well."

"Made any friends recently?" Sua's voice is slightly interrupted by the sound of her Delcatty, Queenie, calling for her.

"I made two actually!" says Andrew, as he leaned back onto a tree, sitting down on the floor, as V jumped onto his legs.

"There's Gahyeon, she's from Kanto, and she's in Galar for the Gym challenge."

"Interesting, I almost forgot that it's around this time of year that the Gym Challenge goes on." a sudden loud sound came from Sua's side, Andrew was certain it was from her other Pokemon: Swa the Exploud.

"The other person is Jimin, she's a native of Galar, and she's also another Eevee trainer! I met both of them at the airport actually!"

"What does she look like?" asked Sua abruptly.

"She's pretty and cute, with shoulder-length blonde hair! Wait, why am I telling you this?"

"Cause you love me?"

"Shut up," laughed Andrew, "please don't stalk her online or whatever I beg you sis."

"No promises!" came Sua's sing-song voice. "By the way, did you catch any other Pokemon for your team?"

"Oh Yeah! I caught a Snorlax, he was being bullied and he wanted to become strong, so he joined me as a member of my team, let me turn on my camera!"

Andrew then turned on his camera, allowing him to see his sister as well. Sua was lying down on a chair in their backyard, with her Skarmory, Bora, cozily dozing underneath the Hoenn sun.

"Show me your Snorlax!" Sua said excitedly, as Andrew got up and made his way to where Snor was lying down on the ground.

"Hey Snor!"

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