Chapter 3: The Adventure Begins

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Somewhere in Motostoke, a girl with shoulder-length blonde hair was sitting at a bench, watching the throng of people crowd around the sign-up booths for the gym contest.

Oddly enough, it seems like she was holding a conversation with the Pokeball in her hand.

"Where do you think he is now, Tenet?" She asks the Pokeball.

"Let me think, where would he be right now..." she ponders, pausing for a brief period.

"I know she's getting ready for her work, but I have yet to hear her talk about him. Maybe they haven't met just yet."

At the same time, somewhere halfway across the region, a certain Pokémon researcher let out an indignifying sneeze.


To which a group of Rookidees took to the skies in shock.


"Sorry V," apologizes Andrew to his Eevee.

Andrew had set up camp in the Motostoke Riverbank, where he decided to start his research. He started by observing the natural habitats of the Pokemon, recording their daily activities from afar, not disturbing them. Sure a few of the more aggressive Pokemon tried to attack him and V, but Green, his Grovyle was there to save them.

"Grovyle..." Green sounded from his leaning position on a nearby tree behind Andrew and V, looking out for any attacking wild Pokemon, and seemingly shaking his head at his trainer in disappointment.

"Seriously Green?" asked Andrew in mock sarcasm, getting up from his position with V hopping over to Green.


"Alright, I'll admit it that was a mistake, happy?"

"Grovyle." it sounded like a 'whatever' to Andrew, but he was used to his Grovyle's cool responses.

"Fine...... let's take a break guys, who wants some food?"



As the trio made their way to their campsite, Andrew evaluated his current progress: so far, he had documented the majority of bird types that lurk during the day. He has also written down his findings for the Pokemon that lurk in the forest areas. Hoping to start catching some of them soon, he was constantly on the lookout for the ideal opportunities.

As the trainer-pokemon trio arrived at their campsite, V took the opportunity to jump onto Andrew's sleeping bag and take a nap, whilst Green found another tree to lean against. Andrew then took his time to wash up some of the berries that he had collected on the way back from their latest excursion at the river. All the while soaking in the peaceful atmosphere of the surrounding wild area, listening to the bird Pokemon singing their tune, and watching the water Pokémon frolicking in the river.

It was then that Andrew heard a Snorlax crying out somewhere in the woods.


The cry sounded like it was in pain, and it wasn't alone, Andrew was sure he could hear the cries of other Pokemon.

"Did you two hear that?" Asked Andrew to V and Green, to which the two Pokémon responded with nods.

"They probably need our help, let's go, guys!"



Following the cries of the Snorlax, the three of them soon found themselves in a small clearing in the woods, where sure enough there was a Snorlax.

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