Chapter 5: Lost & Found

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(Karina POV)

As I looked out of the window of the Ballonea Gym, I saw the beautiful sunshine shining in. Getting my makeup ready for the gym challengers, I was about to put on my purple wig to cover my blonde hair, when my phone rang.

As I picked it up, I realized the caller was an old friend from another region.

"Hi Sua!"

"Hey Jimin! How are you doing?" Sua's loud cheery voice came through my phone's speakers.

"Getting ready for the challengers, if they make it through the gym challenges that is," I say, putting my signature purple wig on as I check my reflection in the mirror.

"Do you actually enjoy it? You know, being a gym leader?" she asks in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I wish it were that simple Sua," I say, sitting down on my couch as Princess jumps onto my lap, "I have to maintain my family legacy. My grandma didn't pass on the title of gym leader to me for me to quit."

"You should take a leaf out of my brother's book " Sua begins, but I reacted before I could stop myself.


"Yup that's him- wait I never talked to you about him before, how do you know him?" she asked suspiciously.

"I uh... met him at the Galar airport..." I said shyly.

"OH!!!! So YOU'RE the pretty blonde girl that he was going on about when I called him!" She screamed out loud.

I felt my face redden so much at that moment, Andrew told his sister about me? And he called me pretty?

"He talked to you about me?" I asked in a small voice, subconsciously touching my cheeks, which had gone pink.

"Of course! He was going on about how he met this pretty blonde girl with an Eevee at the airport!" I felt my cheeks positively burning at this point. "I should've made the connection!"

"On the topic of Andrew," I began, patting Princess on the head as I structured my question, "how did he decide what he wanted to do, even though he has your legacy to live up to?"

"Jimin, legacy is not what one lives for in life," She began, "When I started to make a name for myself under Fantina, Andrew was lost as well, being unsure about what he wants to do for himself. He did consider trying contests too, but one day, our dad brought this injured Eevee home from the woods, and Andrew was intrigued because the Eevee was a shiny, which sparked his interest into understanding Pokemon. Ever since he nursed V back to health, he has dedicated himself to understanding Pokemon."

"So it's all just about a eureka moment? A spark?"

"My point is, that you should be open, keep your options open, and just, embrace what you want to do. You'll know when the right time comes"

"I'll think about it Sua," I said, as I heard a knock on the door, indicating that it was time for me to make my appearance.

"I'll talk to you later! Time for me to brush Queenie's fur! Bye, Jimin!"

"Bye Sua!"


(Meanwhile, in Motostoke)



"Sorry buddy, I swear to Arceus, is someone talking about me again?" Andrew scratched his head, asking his question to no one in particular.

"Snor?" Snor lifted his head from the ground to look at Andrew in curiosity.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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