I - A Hop, Skip and a Battle Away

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The relatively small town of Wedgehurst jolted at the sound of a young man's exasperated groans.

"It's not even that bright out. Get your incorporeal behind out here already."

"Mis. Dreavus."

Dantin, the owner of said groans, pinched the bridge of his nose as he stood just outside the entryway to Wedgehurst station. His Misdreavus, Fanta, floated just before the threshold, choosing to remain within the comfort of the shadows.

"O' Great Fanta, daughter of Fantasia, will you please do the honours of gracing the good people of this town with your presence?"

"Dreav." The Pokemon gave a satisfied smirk, obliging.

"Arceus, finally." Dantin brushed his dark hair out of his face with one last sigh.

With his reluctant partner now behind him, Dantin left the station onto the cobblestone path of the town of Wedgehurst. Some ways ahead was a Pokemon Centre with a pinkish tinge to its all-red roof. The large Pokeball symbol he expected from those in Sinnoh was present, though it lit up in a pinkish-cream hue. Past the red building were several different ones, most of which seemed to be resident homes or shops. Dantin could faintly make out a circular sign hanging from the side of one with an icon that depicted apparel.

Dantin realised he had no idea where he was headed.

Fanta wasn't making it any better. "Misdreavus. Dreav."

"I don't know, I've never been to Galar."


"It's not like I had cell service on the flight here to look up where the Professor's house is."

The Ghost-type Pokemon let out a gust of air akin to that of a scoff. "Misdreav."

Dantin let out a sigh. Of all Pokemon he could've received for his journey, it had to be this stuck-up little brat.

Fanta had been a gift from his mother, Fantina, the leader of Hearthome Gym back in Sinnoh. When he'd finally told her he didn't want to take over her gym, but instead travel to another region in search of himself, she was apprehensive, to say the very least. Miraculously though, she'd gotten over her initial disappointment in her only son enough to wish him well on his travels. She'd been the one to recommend the Galar region to Dantin, and handed him a letter along with this piece of work of a Pokemon.

"Ah, mon cher, make your way to Wedgehurst and seek the residence of the esteemed Professor Magnolia. Et, s'il te plaît, take special care of our chère Fanta during your voyage, oui?"

It almost seemed to Dantin that she cared more for the Misdreavus than for her own son.

As Dantin walked around town aimlessly, looking for any building that looked right, with Fanta phasing through walls out of boredom, a blue spiky-haired boy walked past the duo.

"Come on, Varlack, let's go ask the Professor," the boy chimed to his companion, a green Pokemon which Dantin wasn't familiar with.

At the mention of the word "professor", Dantin's attention was piqued.

"Excuse me," he called out to the boy, who, while startled, offered a pearly smile. "Are you by any chance headed to Professor Magnolia's?"

"Er, that I am. Can I help you, sir?"

"Would you mind pointing us in the right direction?"


"Yeah, me and-" Dantin turned to where Fanta last was, only to see nothing. "Fanta?"

"Who's Fanta?" the boy asked with unease in his tone. The Misdreavus took this opportunity to re-materialise right in front of his face.


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