Chapter 2 - New Objectives

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After a quick ride in the Air Taxi, Andrew found himself standing in front of a building with a Pokeball logo and purple tiles on the roof. At the gates was a sign that read "Professor Magnolia's Lab".

"This is it V," said Andrew, looking at his partner who was sitting next to him on the cobblestone path. "You ready?"


"Alright then, let's go see Professor Magnolia." Andrew was just about to proceed before he remembered something.

"Where did I place the letter? OH NO!" Andrew started to rummage through his belongings. "Oh Arceus, please don't make it that I left that letter at home!" V sat beside his owner, looking somewhat disappointed in his antics.

After two minutes of rummaging through his bag, Andrew finally found the letter.

"Thank Arceus it's here, it would be really awkward if I had to explain to the professor who I am." He said as V sighed, being used to Andrew's occasional clumsiness.

As Andrew and V made their way up the path leading up to the laboratory, the door swung open, revealing two individuals standing at the doorstep.

"I thought I heard a voice outside." said the older lady, "I'm assuming you are the young man Professor Birch sent from Hoenn?"

"Yes ummm... Professor Magnolia, correct?" replied Andrew, a little uncertainly, flashing a small smile.

"Right you are dear boy, and your name is... Andrew?" asked Professor Magnolia, making her way down the steps. Her hand outstretched to greet the young trainer.

"Yes Professor, it's a pleasure to meet you," replied Andrew, shaking the Professor's hand, "Uhm... I don't mean to be rude, but who is this with you?" he asked, looking towards the woman that accompanied Professor Magnolia.

"Pleasure to meet you, Andrew," the lady spoke up, "The name's Sonia, I'm Professor Magnolia's grandaughter and research assistant. Why don't you and your Eevee come in first before we continue the conversation?"

"Sure," replied Andrew, as he picked up V and made his way inside the laboratory.

"Had you arrived half an hour earlier, you would've met another young man that was here to see Grandma." Said Sonia to Andrew as he made his way through the threshold.

"Now Andrew," said Professor Magnolia, taking a seat in a comfy armchair, gesturing for Andrew to sit in the other one, "Professor Birch said that you're here to help him document some Galarian Pokemon, correct?"

"Yes ma'am!" "Eevee!"

"Glad to see the enthusiasm! But there is something I'd like you to do something for me too, do you think you're up for the task?

"You bet I am! What is it professor?" asked Andrew, leaning forward in excitement.

"Sonia dear, can you bring the item over here while I talk to Andrew?"

"Okay Grandma," replied Sonia as she stood up to grab whatever Professor Magnolia had asked for.

"If it's possible Andrew, would you be interested in studying more of Galar's legendary Pokemon of the past for me as you do your research for Professor Birch?" asks Professor Magnolia, taking a sip of her tea. "Sonia could seriously use an extra hand with the research."

"I wouldn't mind Professor," replies Andrew, "It would be a great learning opportunity for me."

"Grandma, for the last time, I can handle it myself!" shouts Sonia, "I don't need any help!"

"Ouch," Andrew said, faking a hit to the chest, "that does make me feel kinda bad for accepting."

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