II - In a Nickit of Time

47 4 0

"Can I see your endorsement letter, please, sir?"

"Sure, here."

Dantin handed the letter, which he'd only learned a few hours ago was an endorsement from his mother, to the Gym staff at the counter. As the staff inspected the letter, Dantin took the chance to admire the area he was in.

The stadiums of Galar, it would seem, were a far cry from the Gyms he was used to back in Sinnoh. Dantin stood in front of the reception counter of a lobby, easily double the size of the average Pokemon Centre. The lobby was filled with other people, perhaps people who had come to watch the matches, or other Challengers, Dantin couldn't be sure. Fanta was floating around the lobby, interacting with random people and their Pokemon. He only hoped that the little ball of ectoplasm wouldn't land him in any trouble with the strangers in the room. The ceiling extended quite a ways upwards, with banners twice his height hung on both sides, promoting the Gym Challenge.

Behind the reception counter was a video wall, simply displaying a red and blue logo which he was not yet aware was the logo of the Challenge itself. And behind the video wall was a wall made of windows; Dantin could just make out what looked like the stands of the stadium, surrounding a large field.

"Just to confirm, your name is Dantin Barre, correct?"

"That's right."

"And what number would you like for your jersey?"

The question took Dantin by surprise. "Jersey?"

Smiling patiently, the staff explained, "All Challengers have their own jerseys for official Gym battles. And each Challenger gets their own unique numbering."

Dantin realised just how much of a sports event the Gym Challenge was in the region. Not only was the Gym staff dressed almost like a football referee, but with reds dominating the outfit, the Challengers were dressed like athletes, too. He thought about it for a moment, before settling for his lucky number. "I'll go with 47, then."

The staff typed on a keyboard, staring at the monitor screen in front of him for a few moments more, before handing the letter back to Dantin. "Alright, you're all set. Just bring your endorsement letter over to the changing room to your right, and another staff member should fix you up with your jersey. The opening ceremony will be in exactly two hours."

Thanking the Gym staff, Dantin slid the letter into his backpack. He made his way over to where the staff had gestured, to the changing room. There, another staff member dressed similarly to the first was waiting.

"Can I see your endorsement letter?" she asked in a friendly, customer service voice.

"Sure, it's right... huh?"

Dantin fished his hand around his backpack, his heart sinking the longer he came up blank. Hadn't he just put it into his backpack seconds ago?

Looking around frantically, Dantin scarcely noticed as his Ghost-type companion came zooming towards him.

"Misdreavus dreav! Dreavus mis!"

"Not now, Fanta," he hissed.

"Dreavus," the Pokemon replied indignantly, sticking her head up. If her trainer wouldn't listen, she saw no reason why she should push it.

"Is something wrong, sir?" the staff member asked.

"Yea- no, no, it's just- I literally just had the letter with me."

"Nickit," the cry of a nearby Pokemon caught Dantin's attention. He turned to watch as a bushy mahogany tail disappeared from view, out the sliding doors of the entrance to the lobby. Hop's words from earlier that day flashed in his mind.

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