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The sun floods my eyes and I groan, rolling on my side. My head is killing me. I slightly open my eyes, only to find myself to be face to face with.. Tom Kaulitz, peacefully sleeping. I rub my eyes, still thinking I'm dreaming, when the events of last night start coming back to me. As I remember what happened right before we fell asleep, I can feel my cheeks redden. Holy shit. Did I just sleep with Tom Kaulitz ?

I decide I need to freshen up a little. I look down at my watch, it's already nearly 1pm. I rub my eyes. I went to sleep so late last night - or should I say, this morning - and I don't think I've slept enough. Pushing the covers away from me, I discover that I apparently didn't bother to put clothes back on before falling asleep last night. I look around the room to find my clothes on the floor. I get up and quickly put on my underwear, slip my skirt on and finally my shirt. I glance over my shoulder, Tom is still sound asleep. And... naked. I turn my head around, blushing again. I quickly steal one last look before heading to the bathroom.
I splash some water on my face, and rummage through the drawers to find a toothbrush. I finally find a new one, and put some toothpaste on it. As I'm brushing my teeth, I'm trying to think back onto last night's events. I still cannot believe all that happened to me. It feels so surreal.
I find a hair tie, and tie my hair in a bun, trying to hide the mess it became during the night. With some tissue, I clean up the makeup that ran down my cheeks, and I look.. presentable.
I walk back into the bedroom, and find Tom sitting in the bed, with some shorts on. Thank god.

"Morning, beautiful."

I grin. "Oh shut up. I know I look terrible right now."

"I mean, you do look hungover.", he laughs. "But you're still beautiful."

I shake my head and join him, sitting on the edge of the bed. He places his hand on my thigh.

"You definitely were a lot of fun, last night. Maybe we should have more fun now."

I open my mouth to answer him, but I get cut off by my stomach rumbling. I haven't had food since the McDonalds I ate last night with Ophelia.

"Or let's go get some food first.", he laughs.

My cheeks flush and I agree. He jumps off the bed, and throws a shirt over his head. He looks so full of energy.

"Aren't you hungover?", I ask him.

"Nah, I didn't drink nearly as much as you did. Just a few glasses of water and I'll be fine, I think."

He smiles at me and gives me his hand, helping me get on my feet. I wince at the sudden movement, making my head throb.
We head downstairs, where no one is to be seen. I sit in a chair at the counter, there's still cups and bottles everywhere. Tom doesn't bother putting them away, he simply opens the full fridge.

"What do you want to eat? I could make waffles."

I nod. Waffles sound amazing, and my stomach growls again at the thought.

"I'll take that as a yes.", he grins.

As he starts the mixture, I clean up the counter a little bit, so we have space to eat. He suddenly hands me a glass of orange juice, and I gulp it down in a few seconds. I hadn't even realized how dry my throat was.

"Well damn, someone is thirsty.", he chuckles.

I blush a little while wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.
The smell of waffles fills the air, and I lick my lips in anticipation. He hands me a plate with 3 of them on, and a bottle of syrup. I immediately start devouring them. They're a little burned, and too sweet, but they're delicious. I can see him smirking while watching me. I interrogate him with my eyes, my mouth full.

"You look like a squirrel, like this."

I almost spit out my food, and try not to choke on it. I drink a bit of orange juice, and finally swallow.

"A squirrel?", I say, a little offended.

"A cute one.", he adds, laughing at me.

I roll my eyes and throw a piece of waffle at him. He dodges it, still doubling up. He turns off the waffle maker, putting the stack of waffles on the counter, and grabs a plate. He takes a few waffles and doesn't even bother to take a fork to start eating. He's practically swallowing them whole.

"Wow there, soldier. No one is gonna steal those waffles from you.", I say, poking fun at him.

It's his turn to roll his eyes and he throws a whole waffle at me. I'm not quick enough, though, and it hits me in the face. I yelp and throw it back at him, missing him by a lot. He starts laughing, and nearly chokes while making fun of me. I pout a little, and it makes him laugh even harder.

"You could at least aim better than this, next time.", he teases.

As I was rolling my eyes, Gustav and Ophelia enter the kitchen. He has his arm around her waist, and she looks as tired and hungover as me. Her pink cheeks tell me they probably had their own fun, last night.

"Oooh, good morning, lovebirds!", mocks Tom.

Gustav shoves him playfully.

"You're one to talk. Having breakfast with a girl? That's certainly a first.", he answers.

Tom rolls his eyes and I can see his cheeks tint a little, while he glances at me. A first? I swallow back my smile, not wanting him to see how happy this sentence makes me.
Ophelia takes a seat next to me, humming.

"Mmh, it smells so good here."

I hand her a waffle, and she bites into it, letting out a happy sigh. As she's happily eating, my phone starts ringing in the living room. I get up and look for my purse, which I find on the couch. I search through it, and find my phone. I open it to see my mom on the caller ID.


"Oh finally! I tried calling you a dozen times. Where the fuck are you?"

I wince. She's yelling in the phone, and my headache doesn't appreciate it.

"Calm down, mom. I told you I was sleeping over at Ophelia's after the concert."

"Don't you dare lie to me. I called Ophelia's house when you weren't answering, and her dad told me she was staying with us. Where are you? I was worried sick!"

I sigh. Fuck.

"Mom, I'm fine. And I'm an adult, you can't call up my friends houses to make sure I'm there! We just... partied a little longer than we had planned on."

"I don't fucking care how old you are. You still live under my roof and you will obey to my rules!"

I roll my eyes. It's so typical of her.

"Mom, I pay the bills just as much as you do. You don't get to control my life anymore."

She starts screaming again, enraged.

"I want you to come home right now!"

I sigh. It's always the same with her.

"I'll come home when I come home. Bye, mom."

I can hear her start yelling as I close my phone, ending the call. Fuck, she's going to be fuming when I get home.
I turn around, to find Tom in the doorway, looking at me.

"Is everything good?", he asks.

I nod. "Yeah, just my mom. It's fine though, don't worry about it."

"You sure? She seemed angry." He looks almost... concerned.

"Yeah, really. I'm used to it."

He gives me one last look before going back to the kitchen, where Ophelia and Gustav are laughing. I follow him and lay against the counter, next to Tom.

"Do you guys want to go wake up Bill and Georg?" asks us Gustav, with a mischievous look on his face.

Tom grins.

"Absolutely I do."

Ophelia and I give each other a concerned look, and we follow the boys upstairs.
They're up to no good, and I think we're gonna get a good laugh out of this.

Forever Now - Tom Kaulitz x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now