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The next day is an exciting day. We're going back to Berlin, finally! After several weeks of touring and not being home, seeing the familiar buildings feels like a breath of fresh air. I'm so excited to finally be able to recognize where I'm going, understanding everyone in the streets, and having memories attached to every street corner. The others are just as happy as I am, and it feels like a weight has been lifted off of everyone's chest. We're all more joyful already. We immediately head for the Kaulitz house, where we drop our luggage with a happy sigh. We eat a good meal we order from a little restaurant nearby. The warm food feels my stomach with comfort. I hadn't realized how much you can miss a smell, until the comforting smell of their home hit my nostrils. A sudden thought crossed my mind.

"Hey, now that we're rich, we actually can move out and get our own apartment.", I exclaim.

Tom stops mid-bite and raises an eyebrow at me.

"What?", he says, his mouth full.

I look over to Ophelia and Mitzi, who are both smiling.

"Oh, yes! I bet we could get one of those fancy apartments downtown."

I scrunch my nose a little.

"Hmm, I don't know. I don't like downtown, it's too busy. There's always dudes trying to talk to me."

"That's true", agrees Mitzi.

Tom, finally done with his bite, turns his body to face me.

"What do you mean, a new appartement? Is this not good enough?"

I slowly shake my head.

"Tom, don't get this the wrong way. You know I'm forever thankful. But We can't keep squatting your house like this..."

He frowns.

"Ophelia and Mitzi, I can understand. But why would you want to leave?", he softly asks.

I shift my weight a little, uncomfortable.

"Can we talk about it later, please?"

He closes his eyes for a second and I see his body tense up.

"Fine. I'm going for a smoke."

I sigh and stare at his back while he gets out of the house, leaving half of his plate full. Tom never leaves food. He must be pretty upset. I regretfully look at my own plate of food, calling my stomach, but I have to solve this with Tom before it gets out of hand. I sigh and get up from my seat to go confront him. He's sitting on the front stairs. He stays under the mezzanine, as it's pouring outside.

"Hey.", I say, closing the door behind me.

"Hm.", he groans for answer.

I sigh and sit besides him. He hands me a cigarette, which I gladly take, and he lights it for me. That's a good sign, he doesn't hate me.

"Tom, I'm sorry.", I tell him.

He doesn't say anything, so I keep going.

"I love living with you, I really do. But please, try to understand it from my point of view."

I place a strand of hair behind my ear before taking a drag.

"I've been feeling like a leech, living off of you and Bill like this. Not only are you housing and feeding me, but you're doing it for Mitzi and Ophelia as well because I couldn't keep my promises."

He glances at me, biting his lip.

"I feel like a failure and a profiteer. It's not great. And now that we can afford to move out, I really want to do it. And I would like for us to live together, but I want it to be by choice, not because you rescued me from my mom."

He looks at his hands, still not saying anything. We both take a few drags before he opens his mouth.

"I understand. But If I asked you to stay, because I want you to, would you?"

I think about it for a second. I do love living with him. I've never slept this well, and I've never been happier than when I started living with him.

"Maybe. But you'd have to do it the right way."

He raises an eyebrow and looks at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, first, ask me properly. Second, give me part of the dresser, bathroom cabinets, etc. I'm not living out of a suitcase anymore. And third, let me at least contribute to the groceries."

His face lights up and he throws his cigarette away.

"Yes ma'am!"

He takes my arm as he gets up, forcing me to stand, before running off into the rain with me.

"Tom! What are you-"

He cuts me off with a kiss, as we're getting completely drenched by the cold rain. His hands rest on my hips, and I've never felt his lips be this soft and passionate against mine. I let myself consume by his touch.

"What was that?", I ask when he pulls away.

"All my love for you.", he whispers against my teeth.

I place my arms around his neck and we slowly dance under the pouring rain.

When we walk back inside, we're soaked. We laugh as we're putting water everywhere.

"What happened?", asks Ophelia.

"We went under the rain.", I answer, laughing.

"I can see that, but why?"

Tom smiles.

"Why not?"

She simply raises her shoulders and walks away. Tom and I both head upstairs to get changed and dry ourselves a little. As soon as he has dry clothes on, he immediately starts pulling his clothes out of the drawers.

"Tom! What are you doing?", I yell at the sight.

"Making space for you.", he answers while messily throwing all his clothes in the remaining drawers.

I slowly shake my head. When I'm finished with my makeup, Tom has made enough space for all of my things, including in the bathroom.

"There. Now I just need to ask you."

I chuckle and slowly shake my head.

"Yes, but not now. We have to go for soundcheck."

He nods but had a little smile that tells me he has an idea at the back of his mind.

Forever Now - Tom Kaulitz x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now