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We finally arrive at the Kaulitz home, and we bring all of the boxes inside. Ophelia, Gustav and Georg are busy cooking for everyone, and it smells delicious.

"Oh my god, are you guys making Maultaschen?", I ask.
(sort of big raviolis.)

"Yes! I'm following my grandmother's recipe, she made the absolute best ones.", answers Georg.

I lick my lips, already salivating. It smells so good.
Tom sneaks up behind me and puts his hand on my lower back. I look at him, and he smiles. I love his smile. It lights up his entire face. It's more of a smirk, really. It's often a little crooked, especially after a dirty joke.

We all gather in the kitchen, but Georg kicks us out to the living room, saying he needs space to cook.

I sit on the couch, between Tom and Mitzi. Bill sits in the armchair near us. Ophelia and Gustav were allowed to stay in the kitchen, as they were already chopping some vegetables.

"Thank you guys for this family day. I think we all needed it.", I say.

"Of course! I had so much fun.", answers Bill. "We absolutely need to make this a regular thing."

"Next time, we're going to a strip-club.", jokes Tom.

"You want us to see you perform?", asks Mitzi on the same tone.

He chuckles, and I can tell he appreciates her sense of humor.

"There's no better show in town.", he answers.

We all roll our eyes, and he claps his hands, laughing.

After a while, we get called over to the kitchen for the food. We ate at the diner in the middle of the afternoon, but the move tired us all, so a second meal is more than welcome. The Maultaschen are perfect, deliciously melting on our tongues, and we can't stop complimenting Georg on his cooking. Once we're done, everyone helps cleaning up, apart from Tom, who just awkwardly stands in the way of everyone, not really knowing what to do. I tease him a little.

"Don't just stand here, make yourself useful."

He gives me a little look.

"I don't know what to do, you guys are already doing everything."

I laugh.

"Then stand over there and look pretty.", I tell him.

Not knowing what else to do, he walks over to the corner of the kitchen I point towards. Everyone laughs and he rolls his eyes, deciding to go sit at the counter instead.

"Fuck off.", he grumbles.

"Ooh, is someone grumpy?", I nudge him.

He grabs my face with one hand, and looks me straight in the eyes.

"Watch out."

I feel my cheeks flush, and pull myself away from him.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up.", I mumble, not convincing.

I'm grateful everyone's attention was focused on their task, so they didn't witness this. I bite my lip, trying to calm down my heartbeat. This man makes me feel some type of way, and it doesn't seem to calm down with time.

Once we're finally done with cleaning up, it's time for some board games. We all sit around the coffee table in the living room, and Bill pulls out Uno. He hands out the cards, and I groan when I see my cards. Tom immediately tries to look over my shoulder. I quickly hide my hand.

"Hey! Cheater.", I accuse him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about.", he says innocently.

Throughout the game, Tom keeps trying to cheat, but never gets away with it. He still manages to win, though. He raises his arms in victory and lets out a battle cry.

"In your faces, losers!"

I chuckle. He can be such a kid.

Bill is pouting, being so close to winning against his brother.

"We should have kicked you out from the game the third time you tried to cheat.", he grumbles.

"Whatever. You're just a sore loser. Because that's what you are: a loser!", Tom answers, grinning from ear to ear.

We play a few more rounds, and at around midnight, we decide it's time to start getting ready for bed. It was a tiring day, and both Ophelia and Mitzi have to wake up early for their day tomorrow. We bring up our suitcases upstairs. Mitzi will stay in the game room, in which they opened the couch to be a comfortable double bed. Ophelia will stay in the guest room, and I will stay with Tom. Once everyone is settled, Gustav and Georg go back to their place, and we all go in our assigned rooms.

"We're finally alone again.", says Tom once I close the door behind me.

"We are indeed.", I chuckle.

He walks over to me, passes a hand behind my neck, and presses his lips onto mine. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer to him. Surprised, I don't respond to his kiss immediately. But of course, I melt to his touch and abandon myself to his embrace. I pass both my arms around his neck, and slightly open my lips, letting our tongues meet. He feels so right against me, and I feel like our hearts are beating in unison. He slightly pulls away from me.

"Fuck. I've been wanting to do this all day.", he whispers.

I softly smile. "Me too.", I confess.

He kisses me again. Both his hands go to my lower back, and continue even lower, sliding in my back pockets. I smile against his lips. I slightly pull away and look in his eyes.

"Thank you for today."

He smirks. "I liked it. It was nice to meet Mitzi, too.", he whispers.

I nod. "I think she liked you."

"I like her sense of humor.", he says.

I let go of his neck, smiling.

"I knew you would."

His hands leave my waist, and I turn to open my suitcase. As I pull out a few of my clothes, I can feel his embrace again. He puts a few kisses on my neck.

"I wasn't done. I still need you."

I giggle and turn around.

"You're so needy.", I tease him.

"Oh hush. As if you don't want it just as much as I do."

He suddenly picks me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist. He kisses me, and carries me to his bed, carefully letting me down.

"I'm having déjà-vu.", I chuckle.

"I can't help it. You look so good like this."

His words make me blush, but I quickly forget about it when he kisses me again.

Forever Now - Tom Kaulitz x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now