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The next morning is... complicated, to say the least. I wake up with the worst migraine. Ophelia is snuggled against my side, and Mitzi is on the other. I slowly get up to go to the bathroom, but my feet meet something warm and hairy. Holding back a scream, I carefully look down to what the fuck is on the floor. That's when I realize the four guys stayed overnight, sleeping on the floor with us. I don't have a lot of memories from last night after we started drinking, but I do know we had a good time. And more importantly, Ophelia felt better.

I manage to walk to the bathroom without waking everyone up. I look at myself in the mirror, and I definitely look hungover. I pass some cold water on my face, brush my teeth and comb my hair. I already look more presentable. When I leave the bathroom, everyone is slowly waking up. They all look as bad as I do, which reassures me.

"Please, tell me we don't have too long of a road today.", groans Tom.

"A solid six hours.", answers Bill, his voice muffled by the pillow he's holding over his mouth.

Everyone whines at this. Fuck.

We manage to walk downstairs quickly enough for a small breakfast. No one really talks that much, mostly because we're all hangover, and because none of us are morning people. We then get back upstairs and finish packing, before going back downstairs to get to the bus.

"Au revoir, messieurs dames." (Goodbye, ladies and gentlemen.), says the receptionist as we leave. I politely nod, having no clue what she just said to me.

We get in the bus, and it leaves us at the train station. We got first class tickets, so I' a little amazed. I sit next to Tom again. Bill sits next to Mitzi and Georg, and Ophelia sits next to Gustav. Crew members load our luggage in the train, and we're ready to go. I place a pillow behind my neck, getting ready to sleep, and Tom puts in his earphones. I was about to blissfully slide into sleep, when he suddenly wakes me up with a sudden movement. My eyes snap open as my heart skips a beat and I look over at him. He's... dancing.

"Tom.", I groan, slightly pushing his arm away.

He looks over at me and keeps on jamming, his earphones plugged in. I roll my eyes and try to go back to sleep, but he keeps moving. Exasperated, I pull the pillow from behind my neck and look over at him.

"Tom! Stop it."

He smiles at me and instead of stopping, hands me an earbud. I sigh and roll my eyes, but take it anyway. Some foreign hip hop I've never heard before blasts in my ears, and I surprise myself by kind of liking it. I usually only listen to pop rock, grunge or alternative music, but never hip hop. I might now, though.

The rest of the ride goes by smoothly, with the exception of Tom needing to go pee every 30 minutes. How come I had never noticed this before, I have no idea. We get to Paris, and we have the time to visit a little before having to go to the venue for sound check. We walk through the streets. Everything feels so strange, yet oddly familiar. It's a weird feeling.

We get stopped in the streets a few times (especially Tokio Hotel, but we still get stopped once or twice.) by fans with an english as broken as ours. Some of them even practiced a few german sentences to tell us. This gives me a little hope for tonight. Maybe it will go better than in Nice. I hope so, at least.

We manage to visit the Eiffel tower before we have to go to the venue. As we stand at the very top, I take Tom's hand in mine and lay my head on his shoulder. He then rests his head on top of mine, and I smile.

"I love you.", I say.

He turns slightly to face me, and takes my face in his hands.

"I love you.", he says, before kissing my lips.

My heart jumps as usual. But this time, it's even better because we're in Paris, the city of love.

"I was thinking about last night, before the whole Ophelia thing.", he says.

I tilt my head to the side. What does he mean?

"Like, how you felt when that fan kissed me.", he adds.

He stops for a second, seemingly waiting for an answer.


"And, well, I want to make a promise to you.", he nervously says. "I want to promise to you that I'll love you no matter what. And that I'll stay faithful, obviously."

I chuckle and press my palm against his cheek.

"I want to make you my wife, someday.", he whispers.

My eyes widen and my jaw drops. What?

"I've never felt this way with anyone else before. And I don't want to feel it with anyone else ever. Also you look hot in white.", he softly explains.

I chuckle slightly. I don't really know how to answer to that, though. So I kiss him. And I try to tell him how much I love him in that kiss. All of my passion, my love and soul are sent to him through that kiss.

"Wow.", he says when I pull apart. "That got me bricked up.", he chuckles.

I giggle and pass my arms behind his neck. I lay my head on his chest, listening to his crazy heartbeat.

"I feel the same way.", I whisper against him.

His arms hug me tighter. I know that what happened just now is a very important step in our relationship. And especially for him. He went from thinking he could never find love to saying he wants to marry me? Speaking of, I can't believe Tom Kaulitz wants to marry me. I used to draw little heart with my first name and his last name on my school notebooks. And now, I'm kissing him on top of the Eiffel tower.

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