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/!\ TW: abuse, suicide /!\

I texted Tom back saying I'll meet him in front of my bedroom door. I quickly put on a pair of comfortable shorts, and when I open the door, he's already here.

"Hi.", I say, closing the door behind me.

"Hi.", he smiles.

He puts his arms around me and I'm intoxicated by his smell once more.

"What's going on?", I ask once he pulls away.

I'm a little nervous. I don't really know what he wants to talk about.

"I just... I don't know, I guess I missed you."

I chuckle. "Tom, we were together less than an hour ago."

He rolls his eyes and places a kiss on my lips.

"I know.", he whispers.

I giggle and place my arms behind his neck, while he deepens our kiss. His tongue dances with mine, sending butterflies down my stomach.

"I don't like that we're not in the same room.", he groans.

"I know. But it'll be okay. We'll spend all day tomorrow together again.", I answer.

He sighs and buried his face in my neck.

"I know. I still don't like it. It means we can't fuck."

I chuckle and rubs his back with my palms. I could stay this way forever, with him in my arms.

"Do you want to do something right now? I still have an hour before I want to go to sleep.", I whisper.

He suddenly looks at me with sparkles in his eyes.

"You want to do it in a random hotel room?", he asks.

I laugh and place my hand on his cheek.

"No, silly. I don't want to get caught. But we can hang out."

He sighs and rolls his eyes, but he's still smiling.

"Fine. I'll take any time I can have with you.", he says.

I chuckle and take his hand. Earlier, I had noticed a sign that said "roof exit", and that's where I want to bring him. We climb up the stairs, and find ourselves on a little veranda, with a few couches and tables under the night sky. I look up at the sky. We can't see the stars that well because of al the lights from the city, but we can see the full moon amazingly well.

"I love it.", he says before taking my hand.

He walks over to a couch and lays down, before patting his side. I join him and place my back against his chest, our legs intertwined. I can feel his heart beat.

"I love you.", he whispers.

I smile and grab his hand to lock our fingers together.

"I love you too.", I answer.

As we lay there, I suddenly get a flash of that girl kissing him, and I feel that pinch in my heart again.


"Yes?", he immediately answers.

I bite down my lip, feeling stupid for even bringing it up.

"You know, earlier today... When we were signing autographs?"


I stare at our interlocked fingers. I know I shouldn't feel jealous over something he hasn't even done.

"I saw that girl, who grabbed you... and kissed you.", I let out in a breath.

He stays still for a second.

"Baby.", he says.

He slowly gets up, resting on his forearm so he can look at me in my eyes.

"Baby, listen to me.", he says, softly turning my face with his fingers.

I stare at him, feeling dumber than ever for talking about it.

"I love you. And no crazy fan can kiss me well enough to make me change my mind about this.", he says.

His words bring a tiny smile to my face.

"I know. But... I didn't really like it.", I say.

He chuckles. "Me either. She gave me the wettest smack ever, it was gross."

I laugh at his words. I knew he never wanted that kiss, but hearing it from him makes me feel a little better.

"I wish I could just tell everyone I'm yours.", he whispers against my lips before kissing me.

I abandon myself to his kiss, letting his tongue and his fingers overpower me. When he starts getting too handsy, though, I stop him.

"No, baby... we can get discovered.", I whisper.

"Fuck, you know what you do to me when you call me that.", he groans in response.

I chuckle. "I'm sorry, I forgot."

He kisses me more, letting his hands travel my skin but without ever going underneath my clothes.

"Tom...", I whisper.

"What? Is making out off limits too?", he whispers while placing kisses on my neck.

I softly shake my head. I guess we can kiss for a while, that won't hurt, right?

However, after only a few seconds, we hear someone clear their throat. I suddenly get up, my cheeks red with embarrassment. I look around to see where the noise came from, before I see Georg standing there, looking as uncomfortable as me.

"Uh.. You guys should come back down. There's something wrong with Ophelia.", he quickly says before turning around and disappearing behind the door.

I share a concerned look with Tom, and I quickly jump on my feet. My heart is beating too quickly, and my thoughts are going crazy. What happened?

We both run back downstairs, going straight for my bedroom. When we get there, I stop for a second to take in a quick breath.

"I'm sure it'll be okay.", whispers Tom next to me.

I look at him and nod, too scared to say anything. I open the door to find Ophelia crying on her bed, while Mitzi and Gustav are holding her. Bill and Georg are kind of just standing there, not really knowing what to do. I rush towards her, and Mitzi lets me sit near her. She's crying so much, I don't think she even registered that I was here.

"What happened?", I softly ask Mitzi.

She raises her shoulders. "I don't know. She just kept saying "dad"."

I focus back on Ophelia. Something terrible must have happened for her to react that way. I slowly rub her back and she suddenly raises glossy eyes at me. She doesn't say anything, but she puts her arms behind my neck.

"Shh... Ophelia, what happened?", I softly ask her.

She just sobs harder. I look around the room, helpless. My eyes fall on Bill.

"Bill, can you get me a glass of water, please?", I softly ask. He nods and walks to the bathroom.

"Tom, can I get tissues?"

He nods as well and rummages through a few drawers. Bill comes back with the water, which I slowly give to Ophelia. She takes a few sips, and her breathing pattern gets back to somewhat normal. Tom hands me a box of tissues, which I hold out to Ophelia. She dries her tears, and soon she's barely crying anymore.

"Ophelia, what's going on?", I ask.

"My dad... he said I have to come home, or he'll..."

She cuts herself off, suddenly looking down. She takes in a deep breath.

"Or he'll kill himself."

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