(4) Poison

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Remember ⇩
Intense thinking/speaking

Akaza pov

I wake up in bed, alone. I'm covered by blankets and there is what seems like 10 pillows surrounding me. I sit up, looking around. I'm not tired, but my head is aching. 'Is he actually gone?' I think to myself. I stand up, sighing. I open the door to my room, to see douma rummaging around. I groan in stress, I thought he left. I shut the door behind me, and he looks up at me.
"Good morning, akaza-dono~! How was your nap?~"
He quizzed. I roll my eyes at him, and ignore him. I start to walk away, but he grabs onto my wrist.
"Wait!~ akaza-dono, you can't just ignore me like that~"
I sigh again, and look back up at him.
"What do you want?"
I groan in stress. He gives me a mischievous grin, and starts replied.
"I want to just spend some time with my best friend, or course~"
"I'm not your best friend, douma."
I slip my wrist out of his grasp. I couldn't help but see a soft frown form on his face, but whatever. He has no emotions, he's just faking it.. but was he really?
It's night time, so I head out. I suppose I should continue my mission, it would be bad to slack off.
"Wait, akaza-dono!"
He yells, and wraps his arms around my waist, I don't punch his head off, but my eyes widen. A very faint blush appears on my cheeks. He then whispers into my ear.
"Can I tag along~?"
I then punch his head off, and escape his grasp.
"Did lord Muzan assign you to work with me? No. Did he give you any orders? No. So, stating what I just said, my answer is no."
He sighs, and cross his arms.
"You're no fun..!"
He whines, and I roll my eyes at him. I continue to walk away.
"What is your mission anyway, a akaza-dono~?"
I sigh, and turn around to face him. I wanted to say,
'It's none of your business, fuckwad.'
But I knew if I did we wouldn't stop bothering me if I did. I let out an annoyed sigh.
"I'm looking for the blue spider lily, which I doubt fucking exists. I've looked fucking everywhere."
I groan in stress, and douma just laughs.
"Oh that's funny~ and don't you think that's disrespecting lord Muzan in the slightest of ways~?"
He teased, and I give him a glare.
"Oh i was just kidding, akaza-dono~"
I sigh, and turn back around. I continue walking away, but he continues to follow me. He keeps on talking and talking and talking... it's annoying. I simply ignore him, yet I think he thinks I'm still listening. I start to run away at full speed, hopefully loosing him. I then jump up into a high tree, looking down to see him. 'Where the fuck did he go?' I think to myself
"My, my~ you are very fast, akaza-dono. But not as fast as me~! Yet, I suppose you've gotten faster from last time?"
I groan in stress, and turn around to face him. Of course, he was behind me. He tries to grab onto me, but because of how flexible I was I bend back and then jump onto the branch behind me. His eyes where slightly widened.
"Ooh my~ I never realized how flexible you where~"
I roll my eyes at him, and cross my arms. He tries to grab onto me again, he's almost a centimeter away from me. I have a bit of a delayed reaction, but jump back. He laughs, and I feel his icy vines surround me.
"Stop it, douma."
I demand, annoyed. I look up at him.
"Cmon, akaza-dono.."
He chuckles, and starts fanning himself with one of his fans.
"It's not bad to slack off sometimes~"
I clench my fists, and bite my lip. I wanted to say something but I knew if I did he'd get pissed, or wouldn't stop bothering me. His icy vines then slowly grow off me.
"Hmph fine."
He crosses his arms, and I jump down from the tree branch, landing onto the ground. I start to run away.
"Bye-bye, akaza-dono~!"
He yells.

(Time skip bc I'm lazy)

I've been looking around for hours, I feel like it's almost day time. I then stumble upon a female demon slayer.. she was short, black faded to purple hair, butterfly haori and hair pin, with purple eyes. She wore what seemed to be a mens demon slayer uniform. I hide behind a tree, and conceal my presence. She then appears infront of me, and I jump over her. I knew, with speed like that she had to be a hashira.
"Upper 3?"
She quizzes, and her eyes widened a bit.
"You killed Rengoku-San."
A frown forms on her face, and a sweat drop goes down the side of my face. I take a deep breath.
"I-I'm sorry.. ma'am.. I don't fight women.."
I stare into her eyes, just to get a laugh from her.
"What, do you think women are too weak?"
My eyes widen a bit, and I shake my head.
"N-no it's not like that.."
Dammit, I was nervous. I knew she was a hashira, and a woman. I didn't want to fight her whatsoever. The only way I'd do it is if I was demanded to by Lord Muzan.
"Well, it's been a pleasure talking to you.. but I am a demon slayer, and a hashira which I suppose you've found out already."
She placed her hand on her chest gently, and looks back up at me.
"So I will have to fight you."
I don't respond. Before I know it, she's a foot away from me with her katana pointed at me. I jump back onto a tree, and I jump off of it onto the air. I land on the ground safely. She bolts at me again, and I jump over here. I knew I was panicking. She almost stabs her katana into me, but I bend back over, and avoid it.
'Why would she try to stab me instead of cut my head off?'
I ponder to myself. I continue to avoid her attacks, until about 10 minutes later when she lands a attack on me, stabbing her katana into me. I was confused. I continue to dodge her attacks, and I realize how slow I've gotten. I was barely avoiding her attacks. My vision goes a bit blurry, and I quickly jump a couple time to reach onto a high tree branch, which would mostly likely a few minutes to reach. My breath became heavy, I was shaky. I then felt doumas presence, but I don't know where from. I flinch, hearing his voice behind me.
"I didn't expect to find you here, akaza-Dono!.."
He looks down at the female hashira, his eyes widen a bit.
"I suppose you're having trouble, I'd love to help~"
He grins.
"S-shut up.. d-douma.."
My voice was shaky, my body was shaky. I feel his gaze on me.
"Are you alright, akaza?"
I don't respond. He then looks down again at the female, realizing something. He remembered that was the female hashira who was too weak to slice off a demons head, so her katana was coated with a poison, so she only had to stab the demon to kill them.
"Did you get stabbed by her?"
He asks. I nod immediately.
"Akaza, you-"
I pass out, and almost fall off the branch. He grabs onto my haori, and throws me over his shoulder. My back bends over him from my flexibility. He then chuckles, and starts to run away. He's holding onto my legs tightly so I don't fall off. My eyes open slightly to see the hashira chasing us. A few minutes later, we appear in the infinity castle. He sets me down on the ground, and looks up at the biwa woman.
"Hey, biwa woman!"
He yells, and waves at her. She looks down at him.
"Is lord Muzan or upper one here?"
She dosent respond for a moment, then sighs.
"They are both here, what do you want from them."
He smiles, and reply's.
"He got stabbed by the female hashira with a katana coated with poison, remember talking about her?"
She dosent respond. She strums her biwa a couple times, and then I would leave the area. Id now be laying on a bed on the ground, the room had all sorts of medicines and.. perhaps poisons.
I look to my side, to see the outline of the figure of upper one and lord Muzan.
I'm then cut off, feeling a needle inject into my arm. My vision blurs more, my eyelids start to close, and I pass out.

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