(5) Cured

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Remember ⇩
Intense thinking/speaking

Akaza pov

I wake up in the same room I passed out on by being injected by a needle. My eyelids feel heavy, I'm staring up at the ceiling. My vision is blurry, but I can see the outline of two people-
No, it wasn't two people. It was just muzan and... of course douma. Though, I thought I saw kokushibo with muzan before I passed out. I try to sit up, but I'm held down. My vision is still blurry, I feel like I can barley breathe. I see their mouths moving, I can barely make out what they are saying. I supposed I made a look of confusion, since they stopped what looked like talking. I then get a needle injected into my arm, making me wince in pain and tense up. Dammit, I feel so weak. My vision becomes a bit better, I can make out and see some things better in the room.
"Can you hear me, akaza."
I hear someone speak, yet it seemed their words where a bit slurred, probably because of my ass. I look to my left, to see lord Muzan speaking. I nod slowly, and get another needle injected into my arm, making me whine in pain. I let out a soft gasp. My vision becomes better, way better. yet, it's not the best.
"Can you speak, akaza?"
Lord Muzan quizzes.
I spurt out. I could tell my voice cringed, my throat was sore. I could talk, but I most likely sounded sick. I then sit up, but get pushed back down again.
"You need to rest akaza."
Muzan states.
"No, you are going to rest. Understood?"
I nod, and let out a soft sigh. I felt so weak. I didn't want to admit it, but I could probably barely stand.
I see Lord Muzan exit the room, slamming the door behind him, just leaving me and douma in the room.
"You could've called my name for help, akaza-dono."
My eyes widen. Was he actually.. serious? He seemed intimidating, he didn't have his usual playful face on.
"I don't like it when you get hurt, knowing that I was around to possibly help.."
I stare into his eyes. Damn, I knew I could've asked for help. But when in fucks sake ever would I ask all people of him for it?
I mumble out, and rest my head back. I close my eyes, and I can feel doumas arms wrap around me, to hug me.
"Promise me you'll get well, akaza-dono?"
"I-I have to... since I was order..ed.. to by lord m-muzan."
I state blandly, I knew I probably sounded like shit but I didn't care at this point.
"hmph I should've expected that answer from you."
I feel him start to let go of me, but without me even thinking i grab onto his arm. My grip was weak, but I suppose it was enough to break at least a finger.
He smiles, and looks down at me.
"Don't leave..."
He laughs, and then hugs me again.
"When shall I leave then, love..?"
I don't respond for a moment. Did he just.. call me 'love'? Whatever. I then wrap my hands around him.
"Until I'm completely cured.."
I hear him let out a soft chuckle.
"Alright. Then shall I take you to my room to stay?"
I nod, and before I even get to talk we are teleported to his room, in his temple. I lay across his 'throne' of sorts. I pull him close to me, and I find myself cuddling him. Dammit, I seriously can't be falling for him.. can I? I feel his arms wrap around my weak body, and he kisses my forehead
"Mm you sleep a lot.."
I roll my eyes at him.
"I'm sick, d-dumbass."
He laughs, and nods. I feel him nuzzle his nose into my neck. I sigh, and smile softly.
"Sleep well, love."
I close my eyes, and feel myself start to fall asleep. A few minutes, I fall into a deep sleep, with us still cuddling each other. I think about the latest meeting we've had... I wonder if Hantengu and gyokko headed to wherever muzan said to go after confirming his information he received.

Word count:
755 words

Sorry this one was short today! I'm really busy and it's almost my b day aaa (6 days away, my b day is on June 30th wjndkdjsh)

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