All fuck breaks loose

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  It's been about a week since then and we've all been planning a concert in order to boost our popularity right outside of a walmart. It was a very extremely huge big ass. I cannot exaggerate how much of a BIG surprise this was when I learned that 'Sesame Street' was going to be performing in the Target right in front of the Walmart that my band was performing at. Right now i'm in a corner thinking about all my life choices at this moment and how I could have changed any of them to not lead to this very moment. Ran off when Dave threw us out? Never let the Chipettes get adopted? Stayed on the volcanic island? Never dated her? .... Screw that red fuckhead.

  It's the day of both concerts and I've had to collect my thoughts and think rationally. By that I mean fuck up the competition. I've been going to that target for the past idk how long just to scout out the place so i know exactly what i'm going to do. My plan is to sneak from the back and climb the target ladder to the top then secretly break all the stage equipment from above so everyone says fuck this to go to our performance and boost out popularity. Ain't no way this can fail!

  "Alvin, where are you going?" Asked Simon, "Oh I'm just going out for a bit, nothing illegal!....uhh maybe? idk law. Simon looked at me, probably trying to think about what to say to that. "Ugh as long as you're here at 3pm it's all good." It felt like Simon was trying to hold back from saying something else but I gave it no mind plus I had to be somewhere else. Getting out undetected was easy enough. All I had to do was wear a purple hoodie instead of a red one and nobody knew who I was ,kinda depressing if you think about it but thinking is for losers.

  That was easy enough now all I have to do is-"Um excuse me what the actual fuck are you doing in my backstage?" That voice interrupted me from my thoughts. A very familiar voice waits HUH. I looked back and to my very dismay saw Elmo crossing his arms and tapping his foot waiting for an answer. He wore a white sparkly suit with white sparkly pants kinda looking like what Dreamboat Express wore. "Ummmm taxes?" "....Do you still think I'm 3?" "....No but you still look like it!" "ALVIIIIN!" Elmo shouted, he started to climb the ladder so i started climbing too. We kept climbing till we both reached the top and immediately started punching each other out. For a moment I looked away from him and saw there was a sea of people waiting for Sesame street to perform. "Shit"

  I separated myself from Elmo and jumped on the metal beam that had lights wrapped around it. I've got to mess up at least some of their equipment or else this whole thing was a waste! Elmo followed me onto the metal beam and figured out what I was trying to do when he saw me try and slice the lights off. He jumped at me and knocked us both off the beam before we could even realize what was happening and landed on top of each other in front of about 200 people in a target parking lot.

  After a few seconds of confusion we both came to our senses and realized how screwed we were. I looked for literally anything around me, anything that could be useful to get me out of this situation. After looking around for a while I found a microphone on the floor that was probably knocked over by me and Elmo falling down. I picked it up and began to sing the only song I could think of at the moment. "You are.... My fiiire" I looked down at Elmo hoping that A he knew what song I was singing and B caught on to what I was tryna do and began to sing with. "The one...deesiiire" Elmo sang back standing up with the mike in his hands, the light shining on his suit making him look like a star. But like not in the gay way. "Believe..When I say." We both instinctively took the mic in our hands and yelled "I WANT IT THAT WAY" "TELL ME WHY?" The crowd then sang back, "AIN'T NOTHING BUT A HEARTACHE!" The crowd was putting their entire soul into this song, so much that they didn't realize that I ran away back to where my own concert was supposed to be starting.

                                    It wasn't that gay to think of him like a star right??

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