Homie erotic tendencies

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  I fucking goofed up.I know I should have realized that waaay earlier but i only really realized that when Simon was pacing back and forth lecturing me on how dumb i was to even THINK about trying to sabotage Sesame Street."Do you know how dangerous it was to do that!? You could have broken something or they could have pressed charges against you!" "Hey Alvin, are you even listening to me? Alvin! ALVIIIIIIIINN!" "huh? Oh course I am Simon!" Simon gave a huge sigh, I could tell he doesn't want to be the one to deal with my bullshit. "Just be lucky I'm not telling Dave that you tried to sabotage them." "Does this mean I'm let go?' I said as I got up."Nope you've got a whole list of shopping to do, get ready!"

  So Simon sent me on a shopping trip to get things that he and Theodore want. All things considered he let me off pretty well. I'm just hoping that once I get home he doesn't make me do anything else. The first stop was at Target. I didn't think I'd be back here this soon but I need to get a plushie that Theodore said was here last time he went. I looked around to see where all the plushes were and froze for a second. I saw an elmo plush, it was weird seeing this thing even weirder that it looks pretty close to him in real life. "You know You almost don't look punchable when you're like this." I said to the plush. "I don't know how but you somehow look even more punchable as a plush." I stopped for a second. I thought I heard Elmo's voice. I looked around and low and behold Elmo was right here holding a plush of me.

  We kinda just stared at each other for a few seconds not really knowing what to say hoping for the other to break the silence. "Sooooooo thanks for the other day. You really helped not make the concert burn in a fire." Elmo was thanking me but he said it in a way that it sounded more like a question. "Sooooooo why are you shopping for plushies?" I asked. "Oh yeah Abby wanted to get a gift for her girlfriend but couldn't so i'm here." "Cool gay pride" "....It sounds like you're holding back a slur." ".... I should go now"

  We both walked away from each other but after a while I realized I was still holding an Elmo plush but at this point I was walking too far so I just kinda took it with me. Next I has to go to Home Depot I had to get Simon some type of fucking wrench idk. I asked a worker where they might be but they screamed and ran off kinda rude tbh. I ran past 2 gnomes already just tryna find whatever the fuck simon wants. It feels like it's been 20 years wtf. After walking a while and having all the home depot workers run away from me (they must not like purple or smth) I thought i saw Elmo's jacket. Woah am I hallucinating about my kinda rival now? Is that gay? For some reason I ended up following where that jacket was going, dont even really know why to be honest but i just found myself walking towards it.

   And there I saw him comparing 2 wood planks while on facetime with someone, Abby Caddaby I think was her name. I turn to walk away. I don't think I should interrupt whatever they were talking about. Well that's the plan until I heard someone call my name. I look back, I know it wasn't Elmo's voice but someone else, Abby? Abby Cadabby starts to speak up from the phone, "Oh hey Elmo! How ya doing?" Welp now i cant get out now. "Oh you know I'm doing great! Just yunno looking for wrenches." I replied back, man I really should have just stayed put. Abby didn't seem to mind my awkwardness and continued the conversation. "Hey Alvin can you help Elmo here with the difference between these 2 planks? Since I'm on the phone I can't really see and Elmo over here is hopeless!" Elmo shot her a glare before handing me the 2 planks they were talking about.

  "Oh well This over here is hickory. It's mostly used to make tools like bows and shit and the other is Birch, pretty common and you'll mostly see it be used for stuff like DYI's.I grew up in a tree so I know this." Abby smiled after hearing my answer. "Thanks a bunch Alvin! Hey can you tag along with Elmo? He's gonna need someone like you if he's gonna finish that list!" I really didn't want to disappoint her because she seems really nice but I have my own shit to do so I've got to let her down. "I'm sorry but I've got a list of my own to do." "Oh where?" Abby replied. "Oh I've got to go to Best Buy for something theo wants." Elmo shot his head back and gave the most shocked face I've ever seen him make. "Wtf ive got to go to best buy too?" Elmo said, still in a lot of shock. I walked over and grabbed his list and compared it to mine. WTF IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE? Elmo and I had the same list! For different things but still. "Well I need to go somewhere soooo byeeee!" and with that Abby Cadabby had left the chat.

  After that horrifying discovery we both decided to just roll with it and go to each store together. It was better than having that awkward omfg its you again look every time we see each other. One of our last stops was a guitar center. I needed a new microphone and Elmo needed some speakers. "So Alvin, have you been here before?" Asked Elmo. "Yeah I've been here a couple of times mostly because I keep breaking my guitar and have to get a new one." I said as I chuckled near the end. "Why?" "Idk I never really come here that often so was just wondering." Elmo walked towards where the speakers were and was comparing what the list said. While I was looking around for where the mics were I saw the prettiest guitar I've ever seen. Elmo must've seen me eyeing this guitar and stopped what he was doing and began to speak. "How about you play for me?" I stopped and looked back at Elmo. I didn't really think he was being serious and gave him the 'r u fr?' look. He said,"Sure, plus Elmo always wanted to see you play live." Didn't take long after that for me to run over to it and began to play.

  It had been so long since I actually just had fun with a guitar and just let my fingers have fun. Elmo was right in front of me sitting on this huge as fuck amp never letting his eyes off of me. I could have sworn I saw the smallest hint of blush on him with a slight smirk. Seeing that sight made me mess up. I looked away from him for a second and put the guitar back on its spot. "Common I think we should go now." I said. "Haha you really must be a sore loser huh?" Thank god he doesn't know the real reason I messed up. "Yeah yeah let's just get our shit and get out."

  We got our shit and got out of there. I was walking Elmo back to his car joking about something dumb when we stopped at his car. "Oh hey Alvin you going to that party tomorrow?" Elmo said, looking a little nervous. "Huh what party?" I replied. "Oh that one that Miku and Obama are doing .They announced it on their twitter dot com. He said as he pulled up their twitter dot com, sure enough they announced their party and it was tomorrow. "Well if miku and Obama are hosting this then it must be important so I guess yea." Elmo seemed to be relieved from that answer. He then opened his car door and sat inside. "You know Alvin you arent as bad as I thought you were gonna be, your actually pretty decent!" He said giving me a smile. And with that he put his car keys in and drove off leaving me in a panicked mess alone in a parking lot.

                                             WHY IS ELMO'S SMILE KINDA CUTE THOOO???

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