What do you do when it's all over?

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He cried and cried as he sat in the corner of his room. He wishes he could take it back. Everything. All the words he had said. All the actions he'd done. But no, you can't take anything back once it's set in stone. They will remember that until it's there time or they forget about you. But it will affect them. Forever. The world he had once had faith in faded in between last breathes. The noise only grew louder, so did his sobbing. His breathing soon shallows as he could no longer breath. It all got quiet. Nothing, just like he had wanted. It all seemed.. sudden. Ro fast for his liking, but he did this himself. Everything happens for a reason. Things he had been through. All of it. He couldn't bare living with this anymore though he had brought it down on himself. But he didn't care who would find him that next morning. He knows he should care but he's lost himself, just like everyone else had. The world full of people without care for others things and for themselves. He had once cared, but only if you look far enough into him to see it. That's what he had once done to others.

Words hurt and so do actions. He knows that now. Now that he's struggling to breathe, to stay awake. He just wishes.. to change it. It being how he hurt him. He could see it in his eyes or his tone of voice. After he had said something or done something. He would only notice after how much it had hurt him. He wishes he was better. He really had loved his hair, his eyes.. he had loved him. But he couldn't keep his mouth shut. That's just who he was and it was all catching up with him. He had sealed his fate. It was bound to happen.

He had taken one last look at the room he was in. His bed sat comfortably in the corner of the room. The window ipen and the curtain blowing from the small gusts of wind. His desk near his bedside table. Everyone off. His ceiling fan slowly moving. The alarm clock showing the time of his end. The closet door shut. The room door cracked open slightly. The empty pill bottle on his carpeted floor, cap no where to be seen. One last time. He wondered what to do. What do you do when it's all over? He just found what was better for him, and that was crying slowly losing consciousness. His breathing slowly came to a stop. One last tear rolled down his face. It was finally over.

Take it in whatever perspective you want

I felt like being this story right here but decided not yet, lol

Anyways hope you enjoyed


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