𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 | 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝

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𝐐uinn soon grew accustomed to the daily procedures

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𝐐uinn soon grew accustomed to the daily procedures. As usual she awoke in yet another room. It was true, each room was significantly different than the last. However the only thing that would never change was the door. Every room had only one thing in common, the door was always made from iron.

𝐄ven the table and chair were different. Sometimes it was wood, sometimes metal, sometimes it was a bench and sometimes it was a stool. And yet the only thing that stayed the same was that goddamn iron door. In the beginning Quinn was delusional enough to believe that some amount of kicking and punching could break it down. But no, every time she would be met with the same results. If her past self could see herself right now she'd probably laugh at her weak condition.

𝐈n this room there was a bench made of stone leaned up against the wall that she was currently laying on. Hence why her back ached as much as it did. A large mirror on the left wall and a fire on the right which every now and then spat at her and she would jump instinctively. The table was situated a few feet from the fireplace and the chair looked like the ones people were electrocuted on. As she slowly sat upright from the horrible position she was in, she squinted her eyes from the dirt wriggling between them.

𝐓he door beeped open and Apollo along with two Peacekeepers walked in. "Nice to see you again Quinn" He sat down with that same cheeky smile as the day before. Quinn groaned a very unladylike noise before throwing a very annoyed hand in both peacekeepers faces—one which screamed a 'Not in the mood' expression. They shared looks of confusion and hesitation as she limped very slowly over to the chair. She again let out another huff as they very violently strapped her to the chair before standing on either side of her.

"𝐌ust you tie these so tight?!" Quinn growled at the three men surrounding her before finally her attention fell alone on the one in front of her. "I promise you these are just precautions" Apollo assured as he signalled both peacekeepers that they were okay to leave. "Are you ready to answer my question yet?" He asked while giving her a knowing look. She didn't respond, just simply threw her head back with a bored look. The man let out a sigh before speaking again.

"𝐘ou do realise this is only ending one way right?" He pointed out as Quinn knitted her brows together. "Oh?" She spoke with false confusion. "With you endlessly tortured until you finally give me an answer, is that truly how you want this to go?" He questioned as a smile grew on the girl from 5s face. "Who doesn't love a fight eh?" Quinn chuckled. "I don't see why one is necessary. We'll get an answer eventually, why not now?" Apollo questioned once again.

"𝐅unny you say that" Quinn grinned again. "Oh?" He said. "Yeah! In fact Snow actually asked the exact same question" She laughed continuously. "Snow has been very patient with you! As have we all!" He snapped which made the victors smile disappear. "You have no idea how understanding we been, how you could very easily be enduring what your fellow victors are going through" He yelled. "You have only been experiencing a quarter of their pain" He added. "In fact..why don't you ask one?" He smiled as confusion washed over the girls face. He turned his head to the left as she too turned her head as well.

𝐈n a split second the mirror that was once there disappeared and the frame filled with Johanna's ruthlessly beaten body tied to chair and tape over her mouth and multiple peacekeepers standing around her. Quinn's eyes widened in horror at the sight of her dear friend. She was a shade of blue and purple and had look of genuine terror on her face. And that was a rare occurrence in the entire time she had known the girl. The only time she had ever seen her look like that was when watching her put on a fake face during her games.

𝐒he turned to face Apollo, face full of anger, only to be met with a look with sympathy. It was only for a moment but it was real and genuine from what Quinn could recall. However it didn't last. He very quickly switched up and changed his expression to one of a sternness. "You see? That could very much be you Quinn" He warned. "It won't be like this for long, these little sessions. Soon Snow will grow impatient and more extreme with your torture. We both know you aren't exactly on his good list" He commented as Quinn actually listened to the words pouring from his mouth,

"𝐀ll I ask is an answer, However little or useful it may be" His smile returned. Not as big or wide as it was previously but it was a smile nonetheless. She thought intently for a moment. She didn't have to be exact with him. It wasn't like they knew exactly where district 13 even was. Hell, she didn't even know where it was. Just that it existed. But then again for the sake of everyone there she just couldn't. And that decision ultimately clouded her judgement. She shook a her head. "I can't.." was all she could mutter in response.

𝐇is smile slowly faded. "Look I understa-". "No you don't! Okay?! I'm sorry, but I just can't alright?!" She screamed. Both heads shot towards the door as it opened an a peacekeeper stood in the doorway. "Sir, the president would like to speak to you for a moment" He said in that robotic like voice. He gave her a half smile before exiting the room, leaving her alone by herself once again.


"𝐌r President" Apollo bowed his head in respect. "May I ask what exactly this urgent meeting is about? I thought we made it clear I wasn't to be disturbed whil-" He began but was soon cut short. "Let me make this very clear for you Mr Anderson. You have been given a very clear order and that is to get information from the girl, and you are obviously failing" He spoke coldly. "I'm sorry?-" The younger man asked in confusion. "Quinn Marshal is not so easily bought. I made that very clear from the start" He cut him off again.

"𝐈 can assure you I am trying my very best to get her to cooperate. All I ask is that you grant me some time to do so, for it has not even been more than two-". "You will be given as much time as you are granted!" Snow shouted as Apollo lowered his head like a child being told off. "You must try harder, be more violent! As I said we must break her and build her back up!" He yelled again. Before he could get another word in he was cut short once again. "Now leave. Before I very much have both your career and your life" Snow threatened as Apollos eyes went wide and he scurried away.


𝐐uinn watched the knew look of nervousness and anxiety on the man's face as he re-entered the room. Beads of sweat were now planted across his forehead. As he regained his composure he turned to her with a fresh look of sternness and cleared his throat before speaking again. "Miss Marshal, I will only ask this once more" He warned in a not so threatening tone. "Where are the rebels?" He questioned as Quinn shook her head profusely. "I won't. I will not say!" She yelled which was only met with yells in return.

"𝐘ou will say! Or you will be met with consequences!" He slammed his fist on the table. "Where are the rebels!?" He said again more aggressively. "I-I don't know!" She lied nervously. The two were in a screaming war with each other before it slowly died down into a good old staring contest. To which the older man lost miserable. She may had looked weaker than ever on the outside, but she was still mentally prepared for whatever they had installed for her.

𝐓he two turned to face the door again as the same two peacekeepers entered this time with some metal stick with a thing on the other end. One walked to her left side as the other stood in front of the fire while holding the stick out towards it. She watched with horror as realisation soon sunk in and she turned to Apollo with a pleading look. "No! Please don't! I-I really don't know okay!" She begged but all he could do was watch with a sympathetic look before turning away and leaving the room.

𝐐uinn wriggled in her seat while kicking and fighting against the restraints. The peacekeeper raised the stick towards her arm as she continued fighting. The other held her down as the other pressed the hot metal into her skin. She let out an unholy scream as her skin burned against her heat. When he lifted it she only then noticed the Panem logo that was freshly engraved into her right arm. Son a of bitch. He fucking branded her.


𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐞//𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐎𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫Where stories live. Discover now