𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑𝟗.𝟏

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Now everyone was sitting in Taehyung's room, they were talking quietly but there was Yn who was thinking about the man from before, he wasn't even a man because he was a boy she felt she knew him.

Mrs.Kim: now just Jimin is left
Jhope: Don't worry mom he will wake io too very soon
Mrs.Kim smiled
Mr.Kim: now we need to stay alert and careful okey? It's better if we stay together
They all nodded
Doctor entered in the room
Doctor: sorry but your son Jimin is awake, you can see him but don't force him too much because he is still weak
Mr.Kim: thanks doctor
The doctor left
Yn immediately ran up the door and went to the next room which was Jimin's.
When she entered she saw him lying on the bed thinking deeply about something.
She ran to him surprising him with a not too strong hug.
Yn: I missed you a lot, you know how worried you made us all, you are very mean
Jimin: im sorry princess i didn't know too
Yn: its okey now that you are awake
Jimin smiled and pecked her forehead
Mrs.Kim: my son are okey? Is It hurting? Do You Need something?
Jimin: no mom im fine
Mr.Kim: poor my kids they have to go through all this
Rm: don't worry that it will end soon
Yn phone rang, it was eunwoo.
Yn: I'm coming I will answer this call
They nod and she went out from the room.

On the phone:
Yn: he-
Eunwoo: are you with your brothers?
Yn: yes why?
She asked confused
Eunwoo: nothing just need to know
Yn: bu-
Eunwoo: I don't have time bye
He cut the call, yn look at the phone.
Yn pov:
He never behaved like this, why just now?
She was about to go back to the room but she see Yoongi looking at her.
Yoongi: yn it was eunwoo?
Yn: yes
Yoongi: is everything good?
Yn: oppa he is very strange now, in this week he never called me or messaged me not even once, maybe it's busy but if he was he will tell me but he didn't, yesterday I called him but he didn't answered
Yoongi hug her
Yoongi: don't worry maybe he is busy or he is stressed
Yn: hmm
Yoongi pov:
Just wait dear eunwoo for my revenge, you make my sister like this, you will regret for sure
Yn: let's go I want to stay with them
Yoongi nod

After one week:
Taehyung, Jimin and Yn were now healed, the wounds weren't like before, they were much more energetic, now everyone was at home.
Jin, Mrs.Kim, jhope were cooking the dinner.
Mr.Kim, Yoongi and Rm were discussing about work.
Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook and yn were in the living room watching a movie.
Taehyung: yn what are u thinking?
Yn look at him
Yn: nothing
Jungkook: come one you cant lie to us
Yn: its Eunwoo
Jungkook clenched his fist and try to be calm and not get angry.
Jimin: what him?
Yn: idk he is weird
Taehyung: why?
Yn showed her phone, the chat between her and eunwoo.
Yn today she had sent messages to him, which he has only viewed but not replied.
Jungkook pov:
So you play like this with her, just wait Eunwoo.
Taehyung: dont worry maybe he need some space
Yn: but i always gived him space
Jimin: yah let's stop talking about this and focus on the movie, my favorite part is about to come so better shut up
Taehyung: he is right
Jungkook: just promise us that you will not cry over a boy?
Yn: idk
Taehyung: what idk?
Taehyung: we Kim don't cry over people like this
Yn laughed
Yn: don't worry I will not cry
Jungkook: better
Jimin: now shut up I want to watch theovie without people disturbing me
Taehyung, Jungkook and Yn throw cushions on him.
Jimin: so now you want fight okey, first let me stop the movie
Yn laughed
Like this they started having a pillow fight.
Soon the living room was messy, they looked at each other when their mom shout from the kitchen.
Mrs.Kim: guys dinner it's almost ready, come
They get up immediately and start cleaning the mess that they created before their mom come and see.
They didn't know that their mother was already watching them since they started fighting.
Mrs.Kim pov:
I hope that they will always laugh and smile, my kids.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now