𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟒𝟒

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Jackson: today you all will end up dead
He said as he pressed a button.
Jin: what did u do?
Jackson: do you wanna know?
Jhope: that's why he asked
Jackson: hahaha so this button just activated the timer for an explosion
They all panicked.
Jackson: wanna know more? So you have 5 minutes to escape but its impossible
Jimin: wtf you are fucking crazy
Lucas: you are
Jimin: shut up
Lucas: no
They both were still handcuffed with each other.
Jackson was going out the room.
Lucas: bro take me out with you
Jackson: no
Lucas: why? I helped u
Jackson: i dont care and i dont need you anymore
He was about to close the door but before going he said
Jackson: and we are not brothers but step brothers
Lucas: wtf are u saying it's not true
Jackson: sorry but it is so now bye bye everyone
Lucas: you asshole just wait
Jackson: you can't do nothing to me now die everyone
He closed the door.
Lucas: I was totally a fool
Jimin: you were
Jin: guys the time!!! we need to go out now
Rm: but how?
Yoongi: let's figure out
Eunwoo hold yn hand in his and she doesn't refused, she was scared.
Eunwoo: we will be okey
He whisper in yn's ear
Yn nod
Jungkook: but there is just this door and there aren't no windows
Taehyung: shit let's try to break the door
The nod and start trying to break the door but it was useless.
Yn: I'm scared
Jin: yn in this moment we have to be calm and try to go out
Yn: we have fucking 2 minutes
All of them were panicked and worried but didn't showing.
Eunwoo: yn you are a savior
They all look at him confused
Lucas: how can she be a savior?
Eunwoo take the pin from her hair
Yn: what are u doing?
Eunwoo: let's try the movie trick
Lucas: it's not possi-
Eunwoo: your step brother is so stupid
He said while opening the door
Yn: I'm really a savior
Lucas: that's called luck because you had the pin
Yn: I didn't asked your opinion
Jin: yah just stop it and let's get out
They all start going out and there was no one expect them.
There was already smoke so it was kinda difficult to breath.
Eunwoo: un are u feeling good?
Yn: its difficult
Eunwoo: we will be out dont worry
Jimin: lucas don't move too much
Lucas: it was your idea to handcuff us
Jimin: ik thx to remind me
Lucas: you are so irritating
Jimin: you are annoying
Jin: you too stop bickering
Lucas: he is the one who starts
Jimin: shut up
Yn: there is too much smoke
Jhope: all the door are closed very securely
Rm: now it's impossible
Yoongi: we will be out so stop worrying everyone
Yn: oppa it's difficult to breathe
In this all time they were coughing because of the smoke.
It was hard to talk too.
Taehyung: let's try this way
They all nod and went to the right side.
Jungkook: there are 2 doors
Yoongi: break them
Jimin and Lucas start opening the first door but it was useless.
Rm: taehyung and jungkook try the second one
They nod and they too start breaking.
Taehyung: we need more force
Jhope join them and try it again.
But nah the door was to stubborn.
Yoongi joined too.
Now this four was trying to open the door and finally it was open.
Jin: everyone out now the bomb is about to explode
They nod
Only yn and eunwoo was remaining, they were about to go when the bomb exploded.
They boys were far away from the place where the bomb exploded.
Yoongi: oh shit yn and eunwoo
Jin immediately called the police and rm the ambulance.
Taehyung was about to go back and find them but Yoongi stopped him.
Yoongi: it's to dangerous
Taehyung: my princess is there I need to go
Yoongi: ik but there is fire and smoke it's impossible
Jungkook: you mean they are gone?
Jin: maybe

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now