𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑

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Next day:
Yn came back from school and see her mom in the living room zoned out, thinking about something deeply.
Yn: mom are u okey?
She said sitting besides her mom grabbing her attention.
her mom: yes sweetie, don't worry
She said assuring her daughter.
Yn: are you hiding something from me?
Her mom sighs knowing that it was the time now.
her mom: actually I have something to say
Yn: tell me don't worry
her mom: I have I boyfriend and I'm gonna marry him
Ynn eyes widened, she was so shocked.
Yn: Who? When? What?
Her mom chuckles seeing her reaction.
her mom: u are gonna meet him today because we are going on a dinner at his house
Yn: okey but since when u are in a relationship?
her mom: 8 months
Yn: what mom? Why u didn't told me? Don't u trust me?
Disappointed was clear by her voice and face.
her mom: sweetheart, I trust more than anyone I just was not ready and I was scared of your reaction
Yn sighs understanding her pov.
Yn: okey mom it's okey I understand u
her mom hugs her finally revealing this secret.
her mom: I'm very lucky to have u as my daughter my sweetheart
yn: really?
Her mom nods.
Yn smiles at her and hugs her back tightly.
Yn: now I'm gonna get ready
her mom: wait another thing
Now she was nervous then before.
Yn: what?
her mom: he have seven sons, not all are biological but still seven
Yn eyes widened
Yn: seven?! You mean that they will be my step brothers?!
her mom: yes and now go and get ready
Yn nod still in shock and went to her room with a confused mind.
Time skip:
Her mom: Yn be quick we are getting late
Yn: yah my mom I'm here
Her mom look at her amazed
Her mom: u are looking very beautiful
yn: thanks and u too mom, you're boyfriend it's gonna faint after seeing you
She said while smirkink making her mom smiles at her behavior.
Her mom: aish you will never stop to irritate me right?
Both mother and daughter laugh and went out.
Another time skip:
Now Yn and her mom arrived at Kim mansion.
Yn: wow they're house it's very big
Her mom chuckled seeing her reaction.

Her mom: let's goYn nods and her mom ring the bell

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Her mom: let's go
Yn nods and her mom ring the bell.
Mr.Kim: hi honey
He while hugging your mom.
Mr.kim: and this pretty girl it's your daughter right?
Her mom nods.
Mr.Kim: hi I'm Mr.kim
Yn: nice to meet u I'm Yn
Mr.kim smiles at her founding her already cute.
Mr.kim: let's go
They enter and now Yn was more surprised seeing the mansion from inside.
yn: wow it's very beautiful your house Mr.kim
Mr.Kim: thank you dear
Mr.kim to the maid
Mr.Kim: call my sons
The maid nod and went to call them. After some seconds his sons come down.
Yn eyes widened, because her 3 class mates are her mom boyfriend's sons.
The maknea line was shocked to see her too.
Mr.kim: they are my sons, introduce urself guys
Jin: hi I'm jin I'm the oldest
rm: hi I'm namjoon but u can call me rm I'm the 2 oldest
Jhope: hi I'm jhope u cannot call me hope I'm the 3 oldest
Suga: I'm yoongi u can call me suga 4 oldest
Maknea line: u already know us
Yn: hi nice to meet u all I'm Yn
her mom: how do u know jimin, taehyung and Jungkook?
Yn: actually they are my class mates
her mom nods understanding.
maid: the dinners it's ready master
Mr.kim nods
Mr.kim: let's go
They all went to the dining table
Yn sit between taehyung and jimin.
They all start having dinner while talking.
While they were eating...
Mr.Kim: I have something to say
her mom nod
Jin: and what it is?
Mr.kim and her mom: we are getting married
Everyone was shocked expect you.
Taehyung: are you joking?
Mr Kim: no 
Mr.Kim: so what you think?
yn: I'm okey if you are happy
Her mom smile at her
Her mom: thank u sweetie
Mr.Kim: and you guys?
Jin: I'm okey
jhope: me too
Bts expect tae: we are okey
Mr.Kim: so the marriage it's the next week, tomorrow we all are going for the shopping
Everyone nod and continued eating.
After finishing dinner they had some talks and after that Yn and her mom went back to their house.
Yn was feeling scared and insecure about having now a family after a long time.
Mostly she was scared of the bound and relationship they will have.
Having seven step brothers will be not easy at all.
Will the accept me? Will be they my brothers?
Those are Yn's thoughts.
But she decided to not get into them and ignore it.
She will try her best to be a good sister and a daughter to them.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now