[Chapter Four]: The Bigger Enemy

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"He's mine!" shouted a Demon, slashing at Y/N with his claws, whilst also glaring at another Demon, who was trying to steal the kill. "Back off if you know what's good for you!"

"I should be the one saying that!" said the other, shoving the Demon out of the way and extending her hand towards Y/N's face, attempting to rip it off. "Look at this child, his clothes are covered in blood from the amount of injuries he's sustained! He's mine for the taking! He's so vulnerable!"

Y/N sliced off that Demon's hand off, preventing her from doing any harm to his face, and backed up, keeping an eye on both Demons at once. If he was being honest, he doubted that he'd struggle that much with these two. They didn't seem like they'd be threats, even if they randomly decided to work together, which didn't appear to be happening anytime soon.

He hadn't been keeping track of the time, but a significant amount of time had already passed since the beginning of Final Selection, and he was sure that daybreak would be soon. After spending hours constantly fighting Demons, this fact was quite relieving for him, as he'd like a break eventually. 

"I said, BACK OFF!" said the male Demon, scratching the woman's face and kicking her away, before advancing towards Y/N. "Go and find your own food! This one is mine!"

"All is fair in survival! How about you go and piss off!?" the woman spat at him, charging at Y/N as well. "After all, that's all you'd be good at!"

"Damn you! That was a low blow!" 

"CAN'T YOU TWO JUST SHUT UP FOR A MINUTE?" Y/N roared at them, losing his patience with the two Demons, before he adjusted his grip on the Nichirin Sword so that it was like he was holding a throwing spear. In a nimble movement, he threw it straight at the male Demon's face. The blade pierced his head and was impaled into a nearby tree. "YOUR VOICES ARE PISSING ME OFF!"

"Survival of the fittest," the woman shrugged at the pinned male, smirking at him, ignoring what Y/N said. "My prey!"

"Curse you!"

"God, it's like trying to get a new-born child to hunt a boar," Y/N growled, raising his fists as the female Demon rushed at him.

"You're such an idiot! You've lost your blade, and now you're going to die because of it!" she laughed, as Y/N stared at her, keeping his usual blank expression unfazed by her words. "You don't seriously think you can beat me in a close-combat fight, do you?" 

However, despite what she said, the moment she approached, Y/N landed such a powerful right hook on her face that she stumbled back a few feet. She wiped the bruise on her cheek, as it regenerated, and advanced on Y/N again, believing that the attack was only landed because she was distracted. That was a belief, and she believed wrong.

When she drew close again, Y/N not only side-stepped the uppercut she sent at him, but grabbed the wrist of the arm she used to attack, and threw her over his shoulder. She was shocked beyond belief, as she landed hard onto the earth, her head ringing for a moment whilst she recovered from the collision. 


Y/N didn't allow her to speak any further, and grabbed her tightly by the face, dragging her towards another nearby tree and scraping her body across the ground. She attempted to break out of his grip, putting up a notable struggle, but ultimately failed to do so. Y/N, without hesitance, slammed her face repeatedly against the wood of the tree, only stopping to throw her head-first to another tree.

"You were wrong, earlier," Y/N said coldly, watching her as she stumbled to her feet. "I'm not the vulnerable one; you're the one who's stuck with me!"

It was at that moment when she realised something. "The bloodstains on his clothes... They aren't from him or any of his wounds, they're from other demons!? Just who is this boy? He's so strong for a human!"

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