[Chapter Thirty-Two]: Demise Of The Lower Moons

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Wyatt's eyes slowly opened, and he found himself on the floor of the train, which seemed to still be going at full speed. With his eyelids feeling extremely heavy, he gradually began to rise to his feet, his vision blurry since he had just woken up. When had he fallen asleep...? He didn't remember being sleepy at all; in fact he hadn't felt sleepy in months. And what was that horrible sme—

Finally, his vision had restored to its normal state, the blur no longer present... but he wished it hadn't. His eyes widened as a headless body came into sight; it looked like it had fallen over from a sitting position, having been leaning against a seat. Wyatt's breaths became more heavy as he stared at it for a moment or two, before he found himself slouching over and vomiting on the floor, the smell and sight of the dead corpse making him feel really sick.

When he had regained his composure from puking, he turned to find the missing head, which had rolled off to the side. On the face was a look of pure terror; the young teenager must have died in a lot of fear. Nothing else but rage and sadness began to overcome Wyatt; whoever had done this would pay dearly. 

With his teeth clenched in his fury, he set his attention to something else. Wyatt spotted Walker, Y/N and Zion all asleep, with the latter lying in such an insane position that he threatened to fall off of his seat. Connected to Zion's and Walker's wrists were ropes, which were tethered to the wrists of two others. Wyatt looked at his own wrist; it was slightly reddened from something but there was no rope in sight. Then he looked at Y/N's wrist, but there was nothing to be seen. 

"What's going on?" Wyatt wondered out loud as he stepped towards Walker and attempted to shake the man awake. "Wake up, Walker." His eyes fell on the rope, and he reached to his back to grasp his battleaxe, but he paused midway. He was getting a dreadful feeling from his gut, telling him to not cut that rope. And he decided to follow that feeling, wary of what could happen if he didn't. 

"Wake up, Walker," Wyatt repeated, albeit a bit louder and slightly more forceful with his shake. 


Walker calmly walked down a path, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. There was a neutral expression on his face, but he was feeling rather joyful at the moment. He couldn't exactly think of anything else he'd rather do, than heading on his way to complete a mission he was hired for. That seemed quite nice. 

But strangely, he couldn't shake off a peculiar feeling in his gut that something was wrong. At first, he tried to ignore it, but it persisted and stayed with him throughout his journey so far. He had no choice but to acknowledge it, yet he couldn't think of a reason why he was feeling like this. 

He came to an abrupt halt when he heard a distant voice... it sounded like they were saying, "Bake cup!" 

"Bake cup?" said Walker with bewilderment, trying to figure out exactly what that meant. "That doesn't make any sense." He raised a hand to his head to neaten up his blue, spiky hair, which had gotten a bit messy, and continued to walk. "I may need to attend an appointment with some sort of doctor. I doubt it's normal to be hearing voices in your head." 

"Bake up!" the voice said to him again, louder than before. 

"Bake up...?" Walker repeated, growing more and more confused. "Are they trying to say, 'Wake up'?" He shook his head. "That's idiotic. I'm not asleep right now." And so, he continued on his journey. "These parcels won't get delivered as efficiently as possible if my mind is distracted by something as silly as this." 


"It's pointless..." Wyatt muttered in defeat as he moved away from Walker, eyes drooping at his failure. He made his way over to Zion and tried to shake him, admittedly a bit desperate for this to work. But Zion showed no signs of awakening, so he moved to Y/N next and shook him. "Wake up! Why are you asleep!?" 

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