[Chapter Thirty]: Aboard The Mugen Train

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There was the sound of a Biwa being played that echoed through the Infinity Castle.

Then all of the Lower Ranks, with the absence of one, promptly appeared on a flat platform, and they all looked around frantically, confused by the sudden warp. But they also noticed the lack of any of the Upper Ranks; every other time they had been summoned, the Upper Ranks were present. 

Only two of the Lower Ranks showed no signs of being disturbed by this; it was Obake and Konchi, who were already aware of why they had been summoned. As the others panicked slightly, trying to figure out the reason for why the Upper Ranks weren't here, Obake and Konchi looked up at the woman with glowing red eyes overlooking them, before bowing down. 

Following their line of sight, the other Lower Ranks found their gazes on this woman. Who was she? Why was she here? Where was Muzan? Why were they here? Where were the Upper Ranks? Those thoughts ran through their brains, as they tried to think of reasonable answers for their seemingly never ending questions. 

But it was all quickly answered with a simple command: "Lower your head and get on your knees," the woman spoke in a familiar masculine voice; it was the voice of Muzan Kibutsuji. 

All of their eyes widened in a combination of shock and fear, before the sound of hands and heads slamming onto the floor filled the air. Following the order, they had all bowed alongside Obake and Konchi, most of them now fearful except one who seemed aroused. Don't question that one and be sure to ignore him. 

"P-Please forgive us, my Lord!" said Lower Rank Six, a short and white-haired female Demon. "We didn't realise you had assumed a different form and aura, so—"

"Who granted you permission to speak?" Muzan interrupted coldly, his eyes glaring at her. "Presuming that I wasn't already aware of that is disrespectful of you, and presuming that you were allowed to speak was even more disrespectful. Answer my questions, and my questions only."

Muzan then turned so that he was staring at all of the Lower Ranks in general. "Rui was killed. He was Lower Rank Five," he reminded them. "I have but one question to ask all of you: why are the Lower Ranks so pathetically weak? Having the title of 'Lower Rank' should not satisfy you. You should be constantly striving to grow in power, yet I don't see that from anyone, except Obake and Konchi." 

"The Upper Ranks have remained the same for over a century," he continued. "But how many times have you been replaced?" His glare grew harsher, intimidating them further. Their fear only skyrocketed as he went on, "You must fear Demon Slayers more than you fear me; all of you choose to flee the moment a Hashira arrives. Pitiful." 

The Lower Ranks began to tremble. "However, despite your impressive capabilities in constantly disappointing me, I have found a use for all of you." 

"There exists a Demon Slayer by the name of Y/N L/N," Muzan stated. "Some of you, particularly the higher-ranked, will be familiar with that name. I require his blood." He glared at each and every one of them. "If you seek to prove to me that you aren't absolutely useless, then you will join forces. You will work together to bring him to me. There comes an opportunity for that shortly, I presume." Somehow, his glare grew even more terrifying for the Lower Ranks. "If you dare flee the battle that will ensue when you're sent out, then I will not hesitate to eradicate you. You will either die in my honour, or die by my hand." 

The sound of a biwa being played came shortly after Muzan fell silent, and a tall Demon appeared, dressed in a grey cloak which concealed his sheathed blade, his face hidden by a mask with only two slits for the crimson eyes, which explored the display of Lower Moons right in front of him. 

Overlord (it's been so long) then brought himself to one knee, and kept his head low, as Muzan spoke again, "This is Overlord. He will be the one to lead you; defying him is akin to defying me for your mission." And without another word from the Demon King, the biwa was played again and all of the Demons felt the floor beneath them slide open like doors, before they fell down a seemingly endless pit and landed in an alleyway of a town they were unfamiliar with. 

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