[Chapter Twelve]: What Do You See In My Eyes?

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The scent of burning ash filled his nostrils, as he gazed upon the amber flames that burnt on the wood. It had enveloped the house in a matter of seconds, gradually beginning to reduce it to nothing more than ash. And it was spreading to the grass surrounding the house at a fast rate; if it was allowed to burn any longer it would spread to the forest close by. 

Wyatt stared in shock, his jaw open, as he helplessly gazed at his home burning down in flames, powerless to do anything to stop it. He couldn't extinguish the flames; by the time he attained the means to do so it would be too late to even use it. He could only watch as his home was slowly being destroyed. 

But he shook his head, knowing that that was unlike him. Wyatt wouldn't just sit here and watch; he'd at least discover if he caused this. That was what he intended to do, which was why he sprinted as fast as he could towards the burning building. He evaded the falling, burning doorframe as he leapt inside of the house and landed on the wood floor, which was also covered in flames.

And then his jaw fell open once again, as he saw what was in the middle of the flames. It was like the fire had warped to fit the scene, like the fire had been manipulated to not invade the wood there. Had he been the cause of this? Was he the one to blame for his house burning down? Was he?

Wyatt could see...


Blue, spiky hair. 


...A bloodcurdling scream followed.

Then something leapt at him.

And then everything faded to black.


Present Day...

"Let's see what ya got!" the Demon shouted as he leapt at Wyatt and pulled his fist back. He instantly pushed it forward towards the man, who hastily brought the Nichirin Sword up to defend the attack, only barely managing to block.

Konchi let out a hum of curiosity before he jumped backwards, placing a hand on the fist that had been used to punch Wyatt. He brought the hand back, and Wyatt saw small bits of blood splattered on the fingertips. The Demon rubbed it around his fingers and tapped his foot impatiently. Then he turned towards Wyatt with a look that implied he was expecting something.

"...Well?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "Aren't ya gonna attack me when I'm 'distracted', or are ya goin' to just stand there like a statue?" 

"...Run," Walker murmured at him, as he forced himself up.

"Ah, so the blue-haired boy can still fight," Konchi commented with a smirk. "Very well then, gimme all ya got!"

Taking his words to heart, Wyatt charged at the Demon, lifting his sword high in the air and giving away what attack he was going for. He let out a cry and then swung it downwards, but the Demon didn't break a sweat as he grabbed the sword with his hand, not caring about the sharp edge cutting away at his hand's skin. After all, it would regenerate in no time, and his pain tolerance was high. 

"Say, kid-looking man, ya know anything about a red-haired kid with these Hanafuda Earrings?" he asked, and when Wyatt gave him a look of confusion, the Demon groaned. "Why do I even bother with ya brainless fools?" Then he punched him with his other hand so hard that Wyatt was sent zooming into a tree, slamming into it hard. He slid down it and then collapsed onto the ground. "Heya, ya forgot yer sword!" He then held the Nichirin Sword like a throwing spear, akin to Y/N's style, and launched it at Wyatt.

However, mid-way through the sword's journey, Walker leapt up into the air and grabbed tightly onto the Tsuka of the sword with his left hand before he charged at the Demon with great speed. Konchi let out an impressed hum as Walker delivered two swift and unexpected slash to the forearms. Blood splattered out of him, but he paid it no attention.

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