[Chapter Ten]: Y/N Learns Of Tanjirou...

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"How long have you been a Demon Slayer?" asked Wyatt curiously. He and Y/N were walking in front, the latter having a few bandages to cover up the grazes from his battle with Walker. Walker was walking behind them, having no intention of joining the conversation and choosing to listen to it instead. 

"About a week," Y/N answered nonchalantly, his eyes just facing the path ahead of them. He couldn't care less about Wyatt right now; he was just answering the man's questions to get him off his back. "Why?"

"Woooooooooow!" said Wyatt in awe, his jaw left open. "Walker's been doing this stuff for two years, and you still beat him!?" 

"How old is that guy, anyway?" Y/N found himself asking, his curiosity getting the better of him. "I can't imagine a teenager to be doing this mercenary stuff."

"Twenty-one!" Wyatt answered, smiling at him. "What about you?"

"Nineteen." He continued to walk on, wondering how long it would take for them to arrive. After all, it had already been an hour of walking, yet there was still a distance to go. Perhaps another hour. "And you?"

"Twenty!" Wyatt answered enthusiastically.

Y/N almost tripped on his own feet, as he said, "A twenty-year old, and you act like this... Ever heard of growing up?" 


"Going around with your mindset is too dangerous," Y/N went on, his tone cold and harsh. "I'd have expected this crap from a nine-year old or something, perhaps a teenager, but not a twenty-year old." He let out a quiet sigh. "The world's crueler than you think. Save yourself the trouble of having to learn that the hard way, and take the easier way." He opened his mouth to add 'Trust me' but he then found himself frowning even more than usual at Wyatt just running off.

He gave chase, with Walker dashing quickly behind him, and it only took a few seconds for them to find Wyatt crouching down by some flowers. The 'man' inhaled, and his smile grew larger. "Man! Don't you just love the environment?" He gestured around them, though he didn't take his eyes off of the flowers. They were apparently captivating for him. "Isn't nature just amazing? Isn't it just so beautiful? Hey, Y/N, don't you think th—"

But he never finished that sentence, though his mouth stayed open in complete shock. Y/N stepped on the flowers a few times for good measure, and then crouched down so that he was at Wyatt's height and stated, "Grow up. Caring about crap like the environment isn't going to get you anywhere."

He then found himself under Walker's grip, as the blue-haired man pulled him up and aside, a glare in his eyes. He didn't frighten Y/N at all. "You apologise right now," Walker spat at him, but Y/N rolled his eyes.

"How sad, I crushed a couple of flowers, truly a disaster, truly the end of the world," Y/N said, in his best attempt of a baby voice. Then it reverted back to its cold tone. "If you're getting upset over a couple of flowers, then you're not tagging along, Wyatt." He broke out of Walker's grip, shoving him aside slightly. 

"...Hey, guys... don't fight," Wyatt murmured quietly, his eyes still on the crushed flowers. "It's... not a big deal, really..."

"Wyatt, I know that you're upset," Walker cut in, still glaring at Y/N. "You better apologise to him."

"No," he said simply. "I don't have an inclination to, do I?"

Walker stepped forward, about to unsheathe his sword. "Son of a—"

"Walker, just... stop," Wyatt pleaded. "Really! I don't want any fighting, okay?" He gazed at the flowers with a smile. "They'll... regrow. Eventually. That's the beauty of nature!" Y/N blinked at him, confused on how Wyatt hadn't gotten the point of his words. Flowers, or rather the environment in general, were a waste of time. "They're crying out in pain, of course, but they'll heal."

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