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Dania's pov:.

Hey iam Dania Fawad, daughter of Fawad Mirza.. Iam only daughter of Fawad Mirza and his wife Najeeba Fawad hehe she's my mom.. I don't have any siblings hmm so what's to worry when i have loving friendly nature parents.. Hmm OK let me tell tou guys iam out of country just to travel before my marriage.. Yeah yeah i am getting married to love of my life Areeb... He's my university friend and than we fell in love with each other so thought to get married.

Areeb is a great man.. With charming personality.. He talks alot and is so possessive for me.. Overall iam going to be his mrs.

Okay iam so so excited for my love marriage.. But before of that i will enjoy my days here in Netherlands.
Only two days are remaining then i have to flew back to Pakistan.. My wedding functions are going to start..

I got ready for the last to days and went exploring the city morely..

Hmm OK so these two days flew faster and now iam heading back towards my homeland.. Right now iam at the airport grapping my hand stuff to run and sat on the sit of the plane but before that i bumped towards Someone..

Ahh his chest is hard Oops he's a man.. A good looking handsome dashing person in front of my sight.. Ouh what am I checking upon him.. But iam getting married shh shh..

I quickly said sorry to him and went to sit on the plane..

But you guys know what.. Who's my seat partner.. Yeah he the one i bumped outside.. Urgh what's that behavior destiny..

He looked at me mostly glaring "what's wrong?"

"nothing" I replied cheekily smiling and turned my side towards window side..

The travel was end.. I got up quickly from my seat not before getting his glares haha he might be thinking what iam.. But who cares when i not...

I stood up searching for my parents and there i saw them standing smiling hugely looking at me.

"As-salam alaikum"

"walaikum assalam chanda how are you"
Said my dad hugging me

"all good Allhumdulillah you tell"

"everything's good Allhumdulillah"
Replied dad patting my head lovingly

"let's go home"
And we went to our home back

I was so happy to be back home.. My home was decorated by lights and flowers.. Although i have my mehndi ceremony tomorrow.

Having a dinner i headed back towards my room.. And here's his phone call camed "you back Dania!"

"yes yes iam back, how are you Areeb"

"me all fit what's about my wifey"
I smiled at his words

"Allhumdulillah me too doing great"

"ahm day after tomorrow you are going to me mine forever"
I blushed at his words

"who knows!!"
I teased him

"Dania not again.. You are only MINE you gotta it"
He said straightly being angry

"OK OK calm down man"
I said making him calm as i know his anger..

"can i sleep now.. Man it's 12 already and have to wake up tomorrow early"
I asked pleading him as i was yawning

"hmm OK go uske baad Sone nhi dunga"
He and his beshrmi.. I bid bye and straightly slept.



He was back towards the Haveli.. His car entered the Haveli.. Parking the car and getting off his car and went straight towards the inside..

Said his father Faisal standing with his pride

"shadi hai tumhari yaad haina"

He just hummed and went directly towards his room..

Taking a quick shower he changed into his comfortable clothes and layed down on the bed.. Admiring the picture placed in side table of the bed

His lips formed a smile

And in no minutes he draft in sleep.

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