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Anas's Pov―

After eardropping my father's conversation with the man, i hed towards my room where probably Dania is waiting for me, i know her life got so shuffled and messed up in a night poor girl but I will find out the exact reason what's going on, what's exactly happened that day.. Why my father pushed me up to attend her wedding and Dania's father asking me to marry her.. And now this man my father was talking who was he.. I was connecting the dots and guess what i kinda feel like my father is probably involved in it but yeah i need a solid proof recarding it. That was my bubbles of thoughts moving to my room.

I sighed and pushed the door, she was sitted in middle of the bed with ghonghat on.. Uff she was looking so innocent and beauty.

I moved towards the bed making her feel some scareness

"As salam o alaikum" i greeted her with a smile, "walaikum assalam" she greeted back.

"Dania look!"  i sat on the bed and took her hand in mine's
"now we are officially married, Allhumdulillah!" she looked at me, i nodded

"try to accept this relationship, promise i won't insist you for anything recarding this relationship you can believe me" she smiled at me, thank God atleast she believes my words

"um..here's the muh dikhai gift for my sweet wifey" i took a small box from the side drawer and placed in front of her with a excitement, she looked at me with confusion

I opened the box, there was a ring, a diamond ring.

He pulls out a small box and opens it to reveal a stunning diamond ring. He takes the ring out of the box and slides it onto the her finger, symbolizing his respect and commitment to her. Dania is touched by the gesture and admires the ring . The moment is filled with love and joy.
As the Anas places the ring on the Dania's finger, he looks deep into her eyes and tells her how much she means to him. Dania is overcome with emotion and tears up as she realizes the depth of his respect. The ring sparkles in the light , and the moment feels magical. It's a beautiful scene that captures the essence of true love respect and commitment.

"can i kiss your forehead?" i asked insistedly, she eyed me maybe she feels nervous. But no way in next second she nodded omg she trusts me
I smiled like a mad person coming near her.

Anas leans in and gently presses his lips against the Dania's forehead, conveying a sense of tenderness and affection. Dania looks up at him with a smile, feeling loved and cherished. It's a simple yet powerful gesture that shows how much Anas cares for her. The moment is filled with warmth and intimacy, creating a deep connection between the two characters. As the Anas pulls away from the forehead kiss, he looks into the Dania's eyes and smiles, conveying a sense of warmth and love. Dania feels a deep connection to  Anas, knowing that he cares for her deeply. The moment is filled with a sense of intimacy and tenderness, creating a beautiful moment between the two characters. It's a simple gesture that speaks volumes about the depth of their love and affection for each other.

Anas wraps his arms around the Dania , pulling her closer to him while still holding her forehead with his lips. Dania feels a rush of emotion as she realizes how much he cares for her. She looks up at him with a smile, feeling safe and secure in his embrace.
As Anas continues to hold Dania in his embrace, he whispers sweet nothings into her ear, telling her how much he respect her and how important she is to him. Dania feels a deep sense of connection to him, knowing that he truly cares for her. The moment is filled with warmth and tenderness, creating a beautiful bond between the two characters. It's a touching scene that captures the essence of true love and intimacy, creating a powerful moment between the two characters.
They were unaware but they were falling for each other, that's how destiny ties the knot of hearts.

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