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Anas left Dania to her parents house after the yesterday night..

He was diving back to Shah Haveli with mind occupied with many tangled thoughts

As he navigated the winding roads, memories of their time together replayed in his mind, leaving him unsure of what the future held for them.

As Anas continued his drive to Shah Haveli, the moonlight illuminated his path, casting a serene glow on the surrounding landscape. The stars above seemed to mirror the thoughts swirling in his mind, each one representing a different choice or possibility. Anas couldn't help but wonder if he had made the right decision, leaving Dania behind. The quiet solitude of the night provided a moment of introspection, as Anas contemplated the intricacies of his emotions and the future that awaited him.

As Anas arrived at Shah Haveli, he parked his car and took a deep breath, ready to face whatever awaited him. He stepped out of the car and walked towards the grand entrance, the moonlight casting a mystical glow on the ancient walls. Inside, the haveli was filled with whispers of history and secrets waiting to be unraveled. Anas couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and nervousness as he made his way through the ornate corridors. Little did he know, the next chapter of his story was about to unfold in this enchanting place.

As Anas entered Shah Haveli, he was greeted by the grandeur of its ancient walls and the whispers of history that filled the air. The moonlight cast a mystical glow on the surroundings, adding to the enchantment of the place. Anas felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness as he made his way through the ornate corridors, knowing that the next chapter of his story was about to unfold within these walls. The haveli held secrets and mysteries waiting to be unraveled, and Anas was ready to embrace whatever awaited him.

Anas made his way to his father's study, a room filled with books and memories. He settled into a comfortable chair, eagerly anticipating his father's arrival. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation as Anas waited, the silence broken only by the ticking of the clock on the wall.

the room exuded an air of anticipation. The shelves lined with books whispered stories of the past, while the desk stood patiently, waiting for its master's return.  The ticking of the clock echoed in the silence, marking the passing moments until their reunion.

He was anxiously waiting for him to arrive. He wanted to confront his father about the knowing the Dania, Areeb and all of tangled stuff and understand the reasons behind it. The room felt heavy with the weight of his emotions, and he hoped that his father would provide the answers he sought.

When his father finally arrived, he was taken aback to see Anas waiting for him in the study. Confusion flickered in his eyes as he tried to comprehend the reason for their meeting. Anas took a deep breath, gathering his courage to confront his father about the tangled stuff . The room fell silent, the weight of their unspoken words hanging in the air.

Anas's father Faisal, bewildered by his son's presence, asked, "Why are you here, Anas?"

Anas took a deep breath and replied, "I'm here to talk about the man, who was he, whom you talked on my wedding day.. Kya Wo Areeb tha? Aap kese janty hai usse.. He was Dania's Groom jo us din barat leke nahi aya tou mujhe majbooran usse shadi karni pari.. "

His father's expression softened as he replied, "Ah, that was Meer Zafar, an old friend of mine. We have a long history together. I thought it would be a pleasant surprise for you to meet him." Anas's curiosity piqued even more, and he eagerly awaited his father's explanation of their connection..

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