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Joshua pov

I woke up to many voices talking in hushed tone, I felt a hand caressing my hairs as I opened my eyes, gaining my consciousness back, I looked beside me and saw figure sitting, his head resting on bed rest and he was looking forward,his hairs were long, Black like night, His jaw line was sharp and his features were soft, His eyes were seductive and feline, His lips were thin, he was pretty, in all ethereal, I found myself staring at him until I heard someone clearing their throat, I felt embarrassed for staring at the stranger, he must be thinking I'm some weird shit...
Suddenly my mind drifter back to the conversation before I fell unconscious, I was shocked, very much...there 11 men standing Infront of me and one sitting beside me and they all claim to be my husbands...

"Oh you woke up? How you're feeling Soo?", "I'm good", I said weirded out by the nick name, seriously what's with everyone calling me with nicknames, but then I remembered in their eyes I am their husband...."Do I know you?", I asked softly to the person beside me, he looks shocked, I heard someone chuckling, I looked towards the source and found a Man, leaning on the dressing table, arms crossed at his chest he was buffed, intimidating and absolutely scary. "oh you don't know us now? How entertaining", he says sarcasm laced in his voice, I started to get scared of him as he started to make his way to me, I backed off a little bit, feeling my uneasiness the one beside me spoke up.

"Cheol stop you're scaring him"..."Am I Han? Aren't I his husband too he shouldn't be scared of me, oh wait he doesn't even know us right?", He asks now looking at me, his aura was dangerous..."I'm sorry", I said softly looking down, He didn't seemed convinced, he tried to speak again but someone beated him to it, "hey it's alright baby you don't have to say sorry, we understand there must be something which made you forgot us, don't pay him any mind", they guy with glasses spoke, gesturing his hand to the other one, His voice was deep, sexy and hot, he looked so much handsome in glasses moreover he had broad shoulders, I remember seeing him before fainting, but this wasn't the time to think about him being so hot, I need to know what's happening.

"Soo you remember something before fainting last night huh?", I-I just remember running in rain before getting hit by a car", I replied to the Man who was sitting beside me, he looked confused, "But hyung as long as I remember you fell off the stairs and fainted?", The man with Tan skin from earlier spoke, confusion spread on his face. But I remember correctly, I got hitted by car before fainting, What the hell is going on? I don't understand a single fucking thing....they all were still confused but let it go. they thought I was just kidding, And I letted them be I wanted to confirm everything before taking any action.

We all had dinner in my room and then they went to their own rooms, leaving a servent behind, i got to know that servent, named Taehyung apparently he was my best friend and we both also share same birthday of same year, we talked for a while and i really liked his company and after sometime i started to feel sleepy so Taehyung told me to sleep and left the room...

He looked around and found himself in a forest, everything around him seemed hazy, his vision blurry as he shakes off the sleepiness, he was confused, sometime ago he was sleeping in his bed and right now he was here standing in the middle of forest, he didn't know anything about?

He saw a blue little creature, calling out for him, he looked at it clearly and found out it was a whisk, He didn't know but his feet started to follow the creature on their own, he saw a line of them going deep in forest and he kept on following them until he reached In front of a cottage, It was small cottage, a single person could merely fit in it, he knocked on door and felt someone opening it. When he went inside he realized that it was more vast then it looked from outside, it was beautiful. There was a small fireplace at the corner of cottage, with a small couch and coffee table Infront. He flinches when he hears the shuffling behind him, he looks back and finds an old lady standing their, covered in back Cloak from top to bottom.

Her face was covered with the hood of cloak, he felt scared for some sort of reason...

"So you finally founded your way here? I almost thought you won't come", she says as she moves forward, hand grinding against the small tea cups placed on the tiny kitchen counter, "Who are you?", He asks stuttering softly, "you must save them, that's the only reason you came here", she says looking at him, he was confused...

"Stay with them and you will find the traitor, save them return back, complete your mission, it's the purpose of your life", she says as she walks closer to him."And remember trust no one", she says whispering against his cheek....

he felt something wet from his abdomen he looked down and found his abdomen bleeding, he looked up and found himself standing in a vast Throne room, blood everywhere, He was shocked seeing the sight Infront of him, 12 familiar faces were laying on the floor covered in their own pool of blood...

Joshua screams waking up from his horrible dream, sweat was tickling down his face as he looks around him, seeing he still was in his room, he sighed. "Don't think too much josh, it was just a dream and dreams ain't true. They aren't right?"...he says to himself, it was like he was convincing himself when his mind went to the conversation he had with the lady in his dream, what did he meant by saving them? Finding traitor? Purpose of his life?

He was so confused, he thought to get up and take a walk in the cool air, he walks out of the room, taking cautious steps, hallway was quite, there was no one, he goes towards Balcony when he hears some whispering...

"How is he still alive?".. someone asks angrily, he could tell it was a woman voice as it was a high pitched and had a weird shrike in it, "I'm sorry but I tried my best I don't know how he got saved"...."If he doesn't die it would be really difficult to kill 12 of them, I don't know anything I want them dead and you have to help me even if you don't want to"....and just like that voices faded away...

Joshua was confused, so the lady in his dream really was saying true, someone is really planning to kil 12 of them, he has to find out who. He has to save him, what more choice he have right? He has to or else he won't be able to go home... Honestly he didn't even wanted to back it was everything but home, he didn't wanted to go back to that hell...he sighs and makes his way quickly back to his room as he hears footsteps coming his way...

He comes back and sits on bed, only a single question ringing in his head, "who wants to kill them? And why", he asks himself but first he has to find the traitor and for that he has to know every single person living in this palace.

He decides to sleep for now and think about it all tomorrow. like that he ended his exhausting day...

Going to his Dreamland...

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