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Joshua stood in vast space, Nothing could be seen from the pile of fog which was spreaded to infinity, the white painted walls gave a sense of serene to him, He took a step and felt soft, wet grass against his bare feet. Joshua looked down and found himself standing in middle of heathers, he looked up and the scenario was changed, just like his dreams. He was standing in middle of Heathers field on top of mountain, the sky shinned with it's silvery clouds, molding in different shapes here and there. Joshua took a deep breath, inhaling the mouth warming scent. He wanted to bask in it.

His eyes caught a silhouette of a Cottage, look alike house, he walked towards it, and the smell of freshly baked cinnamon and chamomile tea filled his nostrils, the muffled voices from inside felt a little bit familiar, as he reached at the front of cottage the sight of two people made his heart beat. The people seem to notice it and turned around at the doorstep of their Cottage's door which was Opened. A lady in her mid late twenties and a man in his early thirties stare down at him. Joshua's eyes filled with tears and he ran, he ran towards the couple and immediately hugged them both. "Eomma, Appa." Couple smiled and hugged their son back. They kept on standing in that position for a while. Joshua's tears rolled down his eyes, he felt the weight of the world off his shoulders.

"I missed you guys so much. Every single day." They broke the hug and his mother wiped his tears. "How have you been son?" His father asked as he pated his head. " I had a hard time without you too, but now everything is alright. You know Eomma I have 12 people with me. They all are so good and understanding. I love them alot Eomma and they love me too. I am so happy with them." Joshua smiled widely. "I just miss you guys so much sometimes. I wanna be with you too." He whispers slowly. Couple looked at each other with smile on their faces and again  at their son. "Shushu, wanna have some tea?" His father asked and he eagerly nodded. He never had the chance to have tea or dinner with his parents, when they were alive he was too small and when he grew up they weren't here anymore.

"Eomma appa can I ask where we are? I haven't seen this place anymore and I don't see anyone else here but you." Joshua asked he was confused, he could see no one but his parents, and he haven't seen this place before. "This is temporary heaven my son." Joshua stoped in mid way of drinking tea. Temporary heaven? He thought. "But why am I here?" He asked. He didn't knew why but his heart started to beat fast. "Because you're dead son."

His heart stopped at the words. He was dead? "how?"  He asked, voice wavering. "We don't know that but you are, that's why you're here." His mother replied. "But you're breathing Shua." Joshua now got heavily aware of his surroundings. The continuous beeping sounds he ignored when he came here first were now clear to his ears. The muffled voices calling for him to be back also started to become clear. "You're on verge of death son. One step ahead and you'll leave that world behind." His father said and suddenly they were Infront of big gold metal gate with a hollow on its very top. His parents were on other side of gate. Joshua was tempted to take a step ahead and leave everything behind but a voice caught his attention.

"Please Joshuji don't leave me. Don't leave me alone. I don't wanna lose you too. I love you a lot. Please." Jeonghan's voice echoed, he looked around in order to find the owner but only thing he could see was a white void.
He took a step back at that. He smiled at his parents as he realized something. "I love you Eomma appa but I love them too." He saw his parents smiling at him proud. He looked at them for last time and ran backwards towards the silhouette he saw, he ran faster with his beautiful smile spread across his face.

"I'm coming Hannie, Cheol, Junie, Wonu, Soonie, Hoonie, Hao, Minnie, Gyu, Kwaniee, Vern, Chaniee. I'm Coming back Home."

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