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Joshua woke up with a heavy headache. He felt like someone was hammering his head over and over again. He wasn't able to gain a single ounce of sleep last night...The horror of seeing that scenario again didn't let him. He got up and thought to check time. It stated "6:00" o'clock... It was still early for everyone to get up, so he thought to have a walk in garden, after getting ready, better than laying in bed and doing nothing at all. He needed to sort out his thoughts before going on a journey with person he is so scared of.

It's not like Seungcheol isn't nice he is just so scary with that cold expression and buffed up body. Joshua gets ready and goes outside of his room to the garden. The morning breeze hits his body and he quickly wraps his arms around himself. Walking in garden he hears birds chirping, leaves rustling because of wind, and the calm sound of water from fountain made his mind and heart at ease. He sits under the tree and closes his eyes, focusing on the sounds around him he find himself humming in his sweet voice. The scent of different flowers filled the air with heart warming fragrance. He smiles to himself, he've never felt this much at peace before.

Before every single morning brought a new nightmare for him and living in those nightmares everyday took away his hope of seeing a beautiful morning like this. He never thought he would be able to see himself like this. At so much peace. Suddenly his mind drifted to 12 other people he was living with. He doesn't know if this was his destiny or just a new game of fate, but whatever it was he likes it.

Joshua opens his eyes when he feels a presence beside him, opening his eyes he finds Taehyung sitting beside him. "Nice weather right?" Taehyung says and gives him his infamous boxy smile. "Yupp it is. Btw why are you up so early?" Joshua asks turning to Taehyung.
"Well got a habit while Living here for years." Taehyung replies and something clicks in Joshua's mind. "Tae! For how long are you living here?" ...."If we include this year than for umm 9 years. I came here when I was 18" Taehyung says and smiles like a happy bear. If Taehyung has been living here for years there's no way he could betray them or would he?

"Now get up. You don't wanna pack? You have to go today remember or you forgot?" Joshua nods his head and they both get up, going inside Joshua goes in his room for packing his stuff while Taehyung goes to Kitchen to monitor breakfast. Joshua packs his things and goes down to have breakfast after Taehyung calls him.

He goes inside the dinning room and sees everyone already sitting. Why's he always the last one even when he wakes up first? Joshua daily asks this question to himself. Settling himself between Soonyoung and Jihoon. He slowly starts to eat his breakfast.."so, I'm going out of city for a business meeting as you all know. I'll be out for a week. Take care of yourself in the meantime and no complains from university." Seungcheol says last sentence, specifically looking at seungkwan who just pouts at that. "I ain't a trouble maker." Seungkwan says and pouts more. "Ayy kwaniee we know you ain't one. Teachers are always like that, they are the ones at fault and blames us. So don't worry keep pranking them like that." Jeonghan says comforting Seungkwan with a proud smirk on his face and Seungcheol glares at him.

"He's getting spoiled because of you. If you keep on teaching him things like that he won't concertante on his studies but pranking others just like you." Now this was Jeonghan's turn to pout after listening to Seungcheol. Others only snickered at his face. While Joshua was Awestruck seeing Jeonghan. In his eyes Jeonghan looked so much adorable. So pretty. He would be lying of he said that Jeonghan wasn't the prettiest human he ever laid his eyes on.

Time skip...
After breakfast..

Now Everyone was waving Seungcheol and Joshua goodbye as they made their way to car. They both sat down in car and drove off.. Car ride was silent and no one said anything...

An hour later Joshua felt his eyes lids getting heavy from sleep. The lack of sleep last night was taking troll on him and he gave up against it and closed his eyes. Sleeping. Seungcheol was looking outside of car when he felt the urge to see the person beside him, who peeked last night in his room. Obviously Seungcheol wasn't sleeping that time but acting. He was confused as to why Joshua suddenly at late night came in room and left without saying anything. The thought of Joshua checking up on him brought a new feeling in his heart.

He looks beside him and sees Joshua's head uncomfortably hanging on headset of car while his eyes closed....He sighs, "he'll surely get a cramp if he sleeps in this position for long." Seungcheol mutters under his breath and brings his hand close to Joshua's head and slowly sets it on his own shoulder. Joshua unconsciously holds on Seungcheol's arm tightly snuggling closer to him. Rest of ride went like this, Joshua sleeping on Seungcheol's shoulder and Seungcheol trying his best to ignore the cute human.

Joshua felt someone shaking him, he stirs form his sleep and opens his eyes. His eyes widen at the view of Seungcheol's face an inch away from his own. He immediately backs away, bumping his head to Seungcheol's in process. Seungcheol rubs his own head and Joshua scratches his neck in embarrassment.... "S-Sorry." He says quietly.. Seungcheol doesn't replies in return...."let's go, we've reached." Seungcheol says and gets off the car. Joshua hits his own head as soon as Seungcheol goes out for the sight. "Stupid." Muttering this he gets off the car.

Joshua looks up looking at hotel his eyes widen...'oh no.' he thinks...


So here is an extra update for today as many of you wanted it...

Thanks me for it😉🤭

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